jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024

eCare Plan: New Standards Support Integrating Data for Person-Centered Care Planning

eCare Plan: The eCare Plan project aims to build care planning tools that will improve how we do research and provide healthcare for people with multiple chronic conditions. These tools include data standards and electronic care plan applications that allow all members of the healthcare team (including patients and caregivers) to see and share critical health data from multiple electronic health records across many healthcare settings. Person-centered data often are not easily shared from one health setting to another, in part because electronic health records (EHR) at different settings don’t “talk” to one another. To address this challenge, AHRQ and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases developed a Health Level 7 (HL7) implementation guide that provides data standards for the aggregation and sharing of data from different EHRs and settings to support person-centered care planning and care coordination for people at risk for or living with multiple chronic conditions. The HL7 Implementation Guide is part of the eCare Plan project, which aims to build SMART on FHIR electronic care plan applications that allow all members of the healthcare team—including people receiving care and their caregivers—to see and share critical health data. Plain Language Summary about HL7 and this Guide https://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcc/2023Sep/

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