viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

Hospital commitments to address diagnostic errors: an assessment of 95 US hospitals. September 4, 2024 Hospital commitments to address diagnostic errors: an assessment of 95 US hospitals. Campione Russo A, Tilly J‐L, Kaufman L, et al. J Hosp Med. 2024;Epub Aug 20. In 2021, the Leapfrog Group established the Recognizing Excellence in Diagnosis initiative to prevent patient harm due to diagnostic errors. They subsequently issued the report "Recognizing Excellence in Diagnosis: Recommended Practices for Hospitals," detailing 29 practices to improve diagnostic safety. This article summarizes the extent to which 95 Leapfrog hospitals have implemented the recommended practices. The most frequently implemented practices were ensuring access to medical interpreters, continuous access to radiologists, ensuring staff and patients can report diagnostic errors and concerns, and having a formal process to identify and notify patients when diagnostic errors occur. The practice with the most room for improvement is CEO commitment to diagnostic excellence.

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