jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024

National Academies Report Provides Goals to Improve Healthcare for Children, Youth, and Families

https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/27835/Healthcare_Report_Highlights.pdf A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine explores how to better meet all children's needs and leverage community support by rethinking healthcare financing, public health investment, community partnerships, and accountability. Despite advances in healthcare, children—especially those from historically marginalized groups—face rising rates of chronic diseases, obesity, and mental health challenges. AHRQ was a co-sponsor of the report, which highlights goals and recommendations for equitable child and adolescent healthcare: Elevate the importance of child and adolescent health through continuous public focus on children and youth. Finance health systems for all children, emphasizing prevention and health promotion. Strengthen community-level health promotion and disease prevention. Ensure co-creation and co-design of programs and structures with youth, family and community voices, and leadership. Implement measurement and accountability to ensure equitable goal achievement.

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