miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

NCTR Research Highlights/FDA

NCTR Research Highlights

Current Highlight from June 19, 2009
Validation of E.Coli 0157 Rapid Assay
Scientists from the Arkansas Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released a Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) Level-2 validation study for rapid detection of E.Coli O157 in spinach, jalapeno peppers, and 80/20 ground beef. The innovative rapid assay known as RAPID-B was introduced by National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) scientists and commercialized by Food and Drug Administration Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) partner LITMUS RAPID-B, LLC. RAPID-B outperformed the FDA BAM-reference method in speed and accuracy at low levels of contamination. RAPID-B demonstrated both 100% inclusivity and exclusivity in the tests. This class of bacteria is recognized as the primary cause of bloody diarrhea that may result in death.

RAPID-B also has been shown useful in environmental testing/disinfection conditions, responding only to live bacteria and providing results in several minutes, from sample acquisition at low levels of contamination (~5 organisms/ml); and its range is extended to one organism per 25 grams of food following 4-6 hours of enrichment in nonselective Trypticase Soy Broth. RAPID-B is serviceable with minimal training and is both rugged and mobile for field deployment. NCTR and CRADA scientists have also neared completion of test-panel results for the Salmonella cultivars most frequently responsible for food poisoning.

For more information, contact Dr. William Slikker, Director, NCTR.

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NCTR Research Highlights

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