domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Color-coded prefilled medication syringes decrease time to delivery and dosing error in simulated emergency department pediatric resuscitations.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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Color-coded prefilled medication syringes decrease time to delivery and dosing error in simulated emergency department pediatric resuscitations.

Moreira ME, Hernandez C, Stevens AD, et al. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 Feb 18; [Epub ahead of print].

Medication errors are common during pediatric resuscitation situations. This study found that use of prefilled and color-coded syringes reduced time needed to prepare and administer medications and significantly decreased dosing errors during simulated resuscitations.

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Pediatric Patient Safety in the Emergency Department - Survey Preview Version.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources; 2008.
Pediatric adverse drug events in the outpatient setting: an 11-year national analysis.
Bourgeois FT, Mandl KD, Valim C, Shannon MW. Pediatrics. 2009;124:e744-e750.
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