sábado, 13 de abril de 2024

Doctors Take On Dental Duties to Reach Low-Income and Uninsured Patients By Kate Ruder APRIL 10, 2024

https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/doctors-perform-dental-checkups-low-income-uninsured-patients/?utm_campaign=KHN%20-%20Weekly%20Edition&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--wYAvv7twyn7ZD-DMVc-qZo-cdbTRN0eqmXVVOIGfaHfgLS7xFCV3pWBPHjSktMnA39W0rWK6qAF1OLNh43ki_7r-Gjg&_hsmi=302404103&utm_content=302404103&utm_source=hs_email DENVER — Pediatrician Patricia Braun and her team saw roughly 100 children at a community health clinic on a recent Monday. They gave flu shots and treatments for illnesses like ear infections. But Braun also did something most primary care doctors don’t. She peered inside mouths searching for cavities or she brushed fluoride varnish on their teeth.

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