Sábado 31 de AGOSTO de 2013
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LECTORES totales conjuntos (todos los blogs: [5]): 6.597.878
Páginas consultadas desde el inicio de los blogs (3): > 121,7 millones
PÁGINAS vistas por países: Discriminadas como sigue:
- ESPAÑA: 221.530
- ALEMANIA: 161.204
- FRANCIA: 119.770
- ARGENTINA: 82.278
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- ECUADOR: 10.145
- REINO UNIDO: 7.386 [UK]
- BOLIVIA: 6.035
Documentos EDITADOS durante el mes de AGOSTO de 2013: 892
Documentos acumulados en 2013: 7.306
Documentos editados desde el inicio del blog (2008): 31.803
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Páginas vistas en el último mes: 39.763
Páginas vistas (historial completo): 1.212.244
Muchas gracias a TODOS, por seguir sumando.
Archivo del blog
▼ 2013 (7306) ▼ agosto (892)- Vía libre en EE UU para los Estados que regulan la...
- El fútbol americano indemniza a miles de exjugador...
- Alcaldes de Brasil quieren sustituir a médicos loc...
- Vida humana y libertad de la mujer | Opinión | EL ...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Personal Health Records Update
- TotipotentRX y ThermoGenesis anuncian el lanzamien...
- Decesos infantiles en Uruguay disminuyen a un dígi...
- Diez municipios en Colombia controlan la transmisi...
- Minsalud colombiano advierte sobre próxima crisis ...
- Madres lactantes argentinas y sus hijos cuentan co...
- WHO | The top 10 causes of death
- How can I protect myself from fraud in the Health ...
- What if my state is not expanding Medicaid? | Heal...
- Top Policy Changes -- NIAID Research Funding
- EHC Program Update: New Consumer and Clinician Sum...
- The Dialogue: Preparing for Incident Command and S...
- PharmaHelps webinar reviews effects of increased q...
- Los trastornos mentales y de abuso de sustancias s...
- Programa de coordinación de salud ACO ahorra "exce...
- Hundreds of Thousands of Teens Use Pot, Alcohol Ea...
- Poverty May Tax Thinking Skills: MedlinePlus
- New This Week on HealthIT.gov
- Patient Safety Update: Register Now for September ...
Archivo del blog
- Comunicado Junta Ejecutiva FEFARA
- Childhood Immunization Update
- Drug Abuse Update
- Prescription Drug Abuse Update
- Drugs and Young People Update
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- NHLBI Funding Opportunity Announcements, August 29...
- Agencia Cyta – Fundación Institulo Leloir » Archiv...
- La Comunidad de Madrid analizará cada mes el gasto...
- Los colegios andaluces piden libertad de prescripc...
- Manuel Cervera, portavoz sanitario del PP, deja la...
- El debate sobre las terapias para ‘curar’ a los ga...
- Desconvocada la huelga en Povisa tras una sentecia...
- Sin antirretrovirales en el Congo | Sida y Hepatit...
- EEUU abre la puerta a la legalización de la marihu...
- Los hogares de ancianos de EE. UU. están reduciend...
- HHS announces first guidance implementing Supreme ...
- Health Communication Science Digest – August 2013
- MMWR News Synopsis for August 29, 2013
- Antibiotics Market Opportunity: Novel Products Nee...
- CDC - MMWR Weekly ▲ August 30, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No...
- Sanidad da cita a 7.000 personas para prevenir el ...
- La ‘banda de la endoscopias’ da un nuevo golpe | C...
- Cerca de nueve millones de personas en EE UU se me...
- La pobreza consume las capacidades mentales | Soci...
- Reminder - CMS Stakeholder & Partner Education Web...
- Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC ► LETTE...
- Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC ► Dispa...
- Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC ► RESEA...
- Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC ► Detec...
- Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC ► Acute...
- Efforts to Prevent Never Events | Agency for Healt...
- Physician Work Hours and Patient Safety | Agency f...
- Two-part HCUP Webinar: September 18 & 25 | Agency ...
- What Preceded Dallas’ 2012 West Nile Virus Outbrea...
- Sefac ve intereses comerciales en la reforma de la...
- India da la batalla a la desnutrición | Internacio...
- Ribó califica de “casi diabólico” negar el problem...
- Sanidad pagará 60.000 euros por no recetar antibió...
- Una madre acusa a Costa Rica de negarle el derecho...
- Que no se convierta a los médicos cubanos en chivo...
- U.S. Nursing Homes Reducing Use of Antipsychotic D...
- Some hospitals at risk for electronic record penal...
- Readmission Rates for Children May Not Reflect Hos...
- Casi medio centenar de personas ha fallecido por e...
- El impacto global de la enfermedad mental y las ad...
- Health Care Innovations Exchange: Using Decision A...
- Leading the government’s charge on infectious dise...
- Rural Health Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicar...
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- CMS September Stakeholder & Partner Education Webi...
- Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals...
- Report profiles cardiologists for market insights ...
- How To Prevent Opioid Overdose and Overdose-Relate...
- Opioid Addiction Facts in 3 Languages
- Registration Update - Sept 16 Consumer Health IT S...
- Alarma por peste bubónica en Kirguizistán | Notici...
- Registraron 48 centros para realizar la fertilizac...
- XXIII Reunión Nacional de Estadísticas de Salud
- II Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Acoso Laboral e I...
- Células madre: impulsan una ley regulatoria - Tiem...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #408: Heart Disease among Near E...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network - Never Events
- NOT-HS-13-011: AHRQ Announces Interest in Career D...
- Save the Date: AHRQ to Host Healthcare Cost and Ut...
- Register Now for August 29 AHRQ Webinar on Using E...
- Questions To Ask Your Doctor | Agency for Healthca...
- QRS duration, bundle-branch block morphology, and ...
- Are we targeting the right metric for heart failu....
- Impact of electronic order management on th... [In...
- The impact of profitability of hospital admi... [H...
- Comparison of health care utilization: Unite... [H...
- The impact of obstetric unit closures on mat... [H...
- California's minimum nurse staffing legislat... [H...
- Experiences of care among Medicare beneficia... [A...
- HHS Mobile Apps
- IntraMed - Artículos - Estrategias para realizar t...
- Cantabria tendrá una ley específica de salud públi...
- El cólera no da tregua al Caribe | Internacional |...
- “Hace siete meses que estoy tuerta” | Sociedad | E...
- Problemas para todos | Sociedad | EL PAÍS
- Sanidad prepara una norma para establecer priorida...
- Kids Benefit From Doctors' Antismoking Counseling:...
- Worse Outcomes Seen When Patients Leave Hospital A...
- Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals...
- Have You Heard? Facts From The Field - August 28, ...
- EHC Program Update: FInal Report and Update
- CDC - NIOSH Science Blog – Free On-line Violence P...
- CDC - NIOSH Science Blog – Ladder Safety: There’s ...
- Articles of Interest: Current Year | Agency for He...
- Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital...
- Guidances > IRB Responsibilities for Reviewing the...
- CMPI shares call to action for a cancer free world...
- New therapies to stimulate growth of AML market | ...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- CDER Small Business Update: FDA Clinical Investiga...
- New and Updated Disaster Behavioral Health Series
- DCRI CME ► Drug Information Update - Fifth Annual ...
- An invitation from FEMA
- Newsletter Fefara
- CDC - Grand Rounds
- Observatorio de la Salud UBA
- Excluidas lesbianas y mujeres solas de la reproduc...
- CEFER prevé que Sanidad excluya de la reproducción...
- La diabetes entra en el 'top ten' que elabora la O...
- New data show antipsychotic drug use is down in nu...
- IntraMed - Puntos de vista - Los efectos de la fat...
- Amgen confirma el acuerdo con Onyx por más de 10.0...
- Vaccine Information Statement: Home Page - Vaccine...
- CDC - Newsletter - Health Equity Matters - Current...
- CDC - OMHHE - About - Health Disparities - Health ...
- CDC Around the World This Week: "The Value of CDC'...
- El indicador del dolor | Opinión | EL PAÍS
- 7.000 mujeres serán excluidas de la reproducción a...
- Take the first step
- OMS | 10 datos sobre la situación sanitaria mundia...
- Hospitals Increasingly Give Powerful Clot-Buster f...
- North American Spine Society
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement
- Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement
- Screening for prostate cancer: a guidance sta... [...
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist...
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | AHRQ Evidence R...
- Patient Safety Update: AHRQ’s Patient Safety Netwo...
- Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment O...
- Un hospital de Ohio exige que una niña amish se so...
- Senegal financiará proyectos del Instituto Canario...
- Se realiza en Buenos Aires el Congreso Mundial de ...
- Autoridades sanitarias participan de presentación ...
- Segundas Jornadas Anuales de Oncología Pediátrica ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Declaran nula resolución qu...
- NQMC Update Service: August 26, 2013 ► National Co...
- NQMC Update Service: August 26, 2013 ► American Me...
- National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Expert C...
- Allergens > Questions and Answers: Gluten-Free Foo...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- 2012 School Health Policies and Practices Study (S...
- Castilla la Mancha participa en un proyecto intern...
- La inadecuación de las urgencias en geriatría comp...
- Un plan piloto para monitorizar a pacientes crónic...
- “A los científicos que se van no se les engañará o...
- Home | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program
- EHC Inside Track Newsletter | Agency for Healthcar...
- New EHC Inside Track: Tools to Support Clinician, ...
- New Evidence-based Spanish-language Resources from...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Primary Care Inter...
- Now Available -- Alcohol Research: Current Reviews...
- La intervención de enfermeras de atención primaria...
- La Fundación Alcalá Innova presenta en Melbourne e...
- El promedio de espera para operarse en la sanidad ...
- Récord de demora en las listas de espera | Noticia...
- Cost-effectiveness of the 21-gene assay... [Value ...
- Genomics|Update|Current ► Genetics and Behavioral ...
- Genomics|Update|Current ► Cancer Genomics & Precis...
- Webinar: Community Coalitions, Secondary Education...
- Genome-wide Association Studies: Public Health Imp...
- Funding Opportunities | Patient-Centered Outcomes ...
- 2013 Annual Meeting | American College of Epidemio...
- Jornadas de Política, Economía y Gestión de Medica...
- "Urgente necesidad de unificar el menú prestaciona...
- XIX Congreso Nacional de la Red Argentina de Salud...
- Las nuevas coberturas y su impacto en el financiam...
- Talking With Your Doctor Update
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Cyclospora Outbreak, Public Health & Advanced Mole...
- EGAPP Initiative: Value of an Honest Broker in Gen...
- Guidelines and Recommendations
- Public Health Sciences
- Reviews & Commentaries on Science & Technology
- CDC-Authored Genomics Publications
- Tools and Databases
- Ethics, Policy and Law
- Los médicos brasileños impugnan la contratación de...
- Neuroinfections (What Do I Do Now?) - Vol. 19 No. ...
- Ultra-Early Treatment Reduces Disability After Str...
- Revueltas en el mundo árabe: Médicos sin Fronteras...
- Financial Distress, Use of Cost-Coping Strategies,...
- El acceso abierto a las publicaciones científicas ...
- Sanidad debería pagar 35.000 euros por un error de...
- Polémica en Brasil por la contratación de 4.000 mé...
- Un consenso inédito (en teoría) sobre el aborto en...
- Clínicas privadas: anuncian un paro que afectará a...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La Corte avaló por primera ...
- Innovations & QualityTools | AHRQ Innovations Exch...
- Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products > Fluoroq...
- G-I-N North America Webinar Series — Guidelines In...
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | Mobile Resource...
- American College of Radiology ► NGC Update Service...
- ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment o.....
- ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coron.....
- ESC Guidelines for the management of acute myoca.....
- European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease pr.....
- Guidelines on the management of valvular heart d.....
- Los pacientes necesitan recibir mejor información ...
- In People with Cystic Fibrosis, Chronic Antibiotic...
- EHC Program Update: New Final Reports
- New This Week on HealthIT.gov
- Products - Health E Stats - Homepage
- Products - Health E Stats - Homepage
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- CDER Small Business Update
- HAN 354: Investigational Drug Available Directly f...
- Un arsenal letal de alcance desconocido | Internac...
- Boi Ruiz niega que haya casos de desnutrición infa...
- 20 millones de chinos consumen agua contaminada po...
- El tabaco iguala el riesgo de ictus en hombres y e...
- Las manos, principal vehículo de transmisión de in...
- La tuberculosis resistente se hace fuerte en Birma...
- Detectados dos nuevos casos de coronavirus en Arab...
- How You Can Take Medicine Safely | NIH MedlinePlus...
- "Did You Know?" - August 23, 2013
- CDC - HAI - Multistate Meningitis Outbreak
- Presentation: Preventing Adverse Health Effects fr...
- Protein-based urine test predicts kidney transplan...
- EHC Program Update: New Consumer and Clinician Sum...
- New SAMHSA report shows when times are tough, publ...
- SAMHSA Headlines: Nonmedical Use of Prescription P...
- SAMHSA Headlines: Nonmedical Use of Prescription P...
- Pennsylvania Champions for Coverage partner with O...
- Health Care Law Webinars in September and October ...
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: UAI Rosario: Diplomatura en...
- CDC - MMWR Weekly ▲ August 23, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No...
- Patient care improves with pharmacists' expanded r...
- Jornadas de Polítca, Economía y Gestión de Medicam...
- MMWR News Synopsis for August 22, 2013
- Los cánceres atribuibles al trabajo en el País Vas...
- Volver al trabajo, otro gran obstáculo frecuente
- Lactancia: el 30% de las madres amamanta menos de...
- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services AIDS.gov Blo...
- AHRQ Health IT Special Emphasis Notice
- A propósito de la sanidad
- El Gobierno de Brasil decide contratar a 4.000 méd...
- La inadecuación de las urgencias en geriatría comp...
- El temor a ser demandado es el principal motor de ...
- El gasto farmacéutico se reduce un 19,57% en el pr...
- 3-D images show flame retardants can mimic estroge...
- Telemedicine improves care for kids seen in rural ...
- Diagnostic Imaging Update
- Hispanic Teens More Likely to Abuse Drugs: Survey:...
- Cancer-Surgery Complications Rise While Death Risk...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- AHRQ Grant & Research Training update
- FDA Should Boost Plavix Warning For Stent Implants...
- Endocrinologists: Not Enough Evidence to Link Diab...
- New Formulary Decision Making Tool Shows Promise i...
- Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals...
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- The Partnership Center News: New We Can! Webinar T...
- EHC Program Update: Final Report on Interventions ...
- NIAID Funding Newsletter, August 21, 2013
- Asian American Health Update
- CDC Online Newsroom | Press Release | CDC provides...
- Mental Health Update
- August 29 Webinar- Leveraging Data for Better Care...
- 18 niños de Fukushima han desarrollado cáncer de t...
- Europa se enfrenta a un repunte de la tuberculosis...
- No hay en el país un protocolo para los bebes inte...
- Encuentro sobre psicoanálisis familiar
- NQMC Update Service: August 19, 2013 ► Chen, Alex,...
- NQMC Update Service: August 19, 2013 ► Agency for ...
- La EMA restringe su política de libre información ...
- La esperanza de vida de los españoles se frena por...
- AMYTS recurrirá el proceso de movilidad del person...
- Los PAC de Elda resuelven el 97 por ciento de sus ...
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- JAMA Network | JAMA | The State of US Health, 1990...
- U.S.’ Health Status Declines
- Public Libraries ► Inscripción para el seguro de s...
- “Mercado de Seguros Médicos, Ley de Cuidado de Sal...
- Health Care Innovations Exchange: September 18 Web...
- Drug Safety and Availability > Conclusions of FDA-...
- Care Counts: Women, Families, and the Affordable C...
- Patient Safety Update: AHRQ’s Patient Safety Netwo...
- CDC Press Release: CDC awards funding to help stat...
- New Sucessful Culturally Competent Programs and To...
- CDC Around the World This Week: CDC in Africa
- Veeva Systems launches portal integrations
- Drug-Resistant Bacteria Found In Workers At Indust...
- Report projects global orphan drug market to tap $...
- “Me preocupa qué pasará con los pacientes poco ‘re...
- Despedida de una científica que está haciendo las ...
- New AHRQ Director Named
- Treatment Options: Explore. Compare. Prepare. - Yo...
- Hazards Leading to Surgical Site Infections at Amb...
- New AHRQ Report on Improving Health Care Quality T...
- Community-Based, Culturally Tailored Diabetes Educ...
- Using Electronic Health Records to Improve Patient...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Workshops and Eve...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network - Systems Approach
- Joint commission primary stroke centers uti... [J ...
- Short-term outcomes of craniotomy for malignant br...
- Characterising physician listening behaviour du......
- Disclosure of harmful medical errors in out-of... ...
- The unappreciated challenges of between-unit h... ...
- Stakeholder priorities for compara... [Am J Respir...
- Making difficult decisions: the role of q... [Am J...
- Effect of a clinic-wide social marketing campaign....
- Overview of Children in the Emergency Department, ...
- Hispanic American Health Update
- More Than 20,000 Emergency Room Visits for Air and...
- In-Person Assistance in the Health Insurance Marke...
- CDC’s Safe Healthcare Blog: What Happens in the Ou...
- “Mercado de Seguros Médicos, Ley de Cuidado de Sal...
- Cáncer de cuello uterino - Actualización
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- Lesiones y enfermedades del tobillo - Actualizació...
- HHS launches partnership and video contest with Yo...
- Cancer Therapy Products Dominate Advertising Pages...
- Taller de calidad de anatomía patológica en cáncer...
- Fraude en los trasplantes de órganos en Alemania |...
- 'Irse fuera no es ningún drama en la carrera cient...
- OMS | Las emergencias humanitarias brindan la opor...
- Valentín Fuster, nombrado editor jefe de la princi...
- Europa se enfrenta a una "bomba de relojería" por ...
- Health Insurance Marketplace Quality Initiatives -...
- 1-week to comment on ACA satisfaction surveys
- Cuatro de cada 10 compradores de fármacos en la re...
- Adjudicada a HIMA San Pablo la gestión de tres hos...
- El presidente del ICS augura más recortes en Sanid...
- Así se quebranta la ley antitabaco | Madrid | EL P...
- La huelga indefinida en Povisa amenaza a 140.000 u...
- CDC Press Release: CDC provides estimate of Americ...
- Padres, pero no genéticos | Sociedad | EL PAÍS
- Listas para saber qué no hacer en medicina | Notic...
- ¿Hospitales preparados para atender un atentado te...
- CDC-Authored Genomics Publications
- Tools and Databases
- Reviews & Commentaries on Science & Technology
- Public Health Sciences
- Prenatal Testing
- Pharmacogenomics
- Newborn Screening
- Guidelines and Recommendations
- Faculty research highlights | Duke Center for Pers...
- Patient and primary care provider experience u... ...
- Diagnostic value of stool DNA testing fo... [Can J...
- Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Women Wit... [J Na...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Update on Emerging Genetic Tests Currently Availab...
- Assessment on Implantable Defibrillators and the E...
- AHRQ Technology Assessments Update
- Marea blanca 'espontánea' frente a las privatizaci...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: "Jornada sobre Derechos del...
- Observatorio de la Salud UBA: Actividades Cursos J...
- Desesperación en Somalia por un futuro sin Médicos...
- Select Events
- Regulating Genomics: Time for a Broader Vision
- Playing with heart and soul…and genomes: sports im...
- JAMA Network | JAMA | Return of Secondary Genomic ...
- JAMA Network | JAMA | Reporting Genomic Sequencing...
- JAMA Network | JAMA | Mandatory Extended Searches ...
- Ethical and legal implications of whole genom... [...
- Anonymizing patient genomic data ... [Stud Health ...
- Genome-wide Association Studies: Public Health Imp...
- Diabetes, Family History, Genetics, & Prevention P...
- Cancer, Genomics & Health Disparities
- High Blood Pressure: Salt Intake & Family History
- Stroke: Family History & Genetics
- Blood Disorders: Healthy People 2020
- Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Public Health Actio...
- American Public Health Association - Integration o...
- American Public Health Association - Journal - Tab...
- Genetics and Behavioral & Social Sciences: Opportu...
- Cyclospora Outbreak, Public Health & Advanced Mole...
- EGAPP|Working Group|Meetings and Conferences
- Improving the efficiency and relevance of evidence...
- EGAPP|Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practi...
- The EGAPP initiative: lessons learned : Genetics i...
- The Partnership Center Newsletter: HHS Launches He...
- Oferta Laboral - Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires...
- Improving Communication Between Oncologists and Re...
- Improving Quality of Cancer Care at Community Hosp...
- Obesity's Death Toll May Be Much Higher Than Thoug...
- Details for Title: New resources available to help...
- El director del IVI es nombrado profesor de la Uni...
- Salud cierra un centro de mayores y abre 48 expedi...
- Llombart ignora los cambios que los valencianos pi...
- Felinos de Arabia Saudí, posible reservorio del nu...
- New This Week on HealthIT.gov
- Sanidad herida | Opinión | EL PAÍS
- CDC - NIOSH Science Blog – Free On-line Violence P...
- CDC - NIOSH Update - On-Line Course Trains Nurses ...
- CDC - Occupational Violence: Training and Educatio...
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- New resources available to help consumers navigate...
- Abbott Partners with Music Saves Lives to Encourag...
- Shire solidifies healtogether site as foundation f...
- Rural Health Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicar...
- Reino Unido levanta el veto a los sanitarios con V...
- PLOS Medicine: Reproductive and Maternal Health in...
- PLOS Medicine: Towards Universal Voluntary HIV Tes...
- PLOS Medicine: Inclusion of Ethical Issues in Deme...
- PLOS Medicine: Expanding Disease Definitions in Gu...
- Valentín Fuster, nuevo editor jefe de la principal...
- La polio vuelve a Somalia | Noticias | elmundo.es
- Educating Women and Families about ACA - Challenge...
- A Compendium: Effective Public Health Strategies t...
- Health Insurance Options and the New Marketplace
- HIMA San Pablo presenta la documentación de garant...
- Dos universidades españolas presentes en el ránkin...
- La OMS pide invertir para conseguir una cobertura ...
- "Did You Know?" - August 16, 2013
- TWH™ in Action! - August 2013
- Llombart confía en la legalidad de la adjudicación...
- Alemania reconoce el 'tercer sexo' | Mundo | elmun...
- La influencia de las farmacéuticas altera el diagn...
- NGC Spotlight
- Cystic fibrosis pulmonary guidelin... [Am J Respir...
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation evidence-based guidelin...
- Australian clinical practice guidelines: depressio...
- Practice guidelines for postanesthetic care: ... [...
- Practice guidelines for management of the dif... [...
- Practice advisory for the prevention and mana... [...
- EFNS/MDS-ES/ENS [corrected] recommendations for......
- EFNS task force: the use of neuroimaging in the......
- Consensus-based clinical practice guideline for th...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Correction: Final Research Plan on Screening for T...
- Patient Education: Electronic Health Records
- Hospital Open Door Forums Update
- FDA Small Business REdI Conference Fall 2013 – Reg...
- CDC - MMWR Weekly ▲ August 16, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No...
- A Preemptive Strike? Roche Relinquishes Its Hercep...
- Should This Prostate Drug Be Used For Cancer Preve...
- E-detailing:Nearly Half of Doctors have Attended a...
- The Partnership Center Newsletter: HHS Launches He...
- EHC Program Update: Recent Journal Publication
- Impact of Federal Incentive Program on e-Prescribi...
- OMS | Investigaciones para una cobertura sanitaria...
- OMS | Las investigaciones en salud son fundamental...
- Impaired Driving Update
- Ayuda para superar dificultades económicas | Gobie...
- MMWR News Synopsis for August 15, 2013
- Final Research Plan: Screening for Type 2 Diabetes...
- CMS NEWS: New resources available to help consumer...
- Piden que se aplique la ley de enfermedades raras
- Interview: improving public health in schools: CDC...
- Stroke Rates Dropped Over Decade, Study in Texas F...
- Are Truck Drivers on the Road to Ill Health?: Medl...
- Cervical Cancer Overlooked in Less-Developed Natio...
- El 75% de los valencianos pide cambios en el siste...
- Uno de cada tres madrileños cree que las listas de...
- 150 millones de personas se arruinan al año por pa...
- Fallo cardíaco - Actualización
- Patient Safety Update: New Proactive Risk Assessme...
- Antibióticos - Actualización
- Resucitación cardiopulmonar - Actualización
- Rayos X - Actualización
- EHC Program Update: New Draft Report Open for Comm...
- CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases media summaries, ...
- HAN 353: Nationwide Voluntary Recall of All Produc...
- AHRQ Health IT Update: Improving Quality through H...
- A Takeda Manager Asks The Supreme Court To Review ...
- Could The FDA Have Prevented Bacterial Infections ...
- In-depth study examines impact of e-prescribing | ...
- Eight Ways Obamacare Helps You | The White House
- Mental Health and the Global Agenda — NEJM
- 64 Percent of Asian and Pacific Islander Treatment...
- Emergency Department Visits Involving Nonmedical U...
- Científicos crearán en el laboratorio formas mutan...
- CiU considera que los funcionarios con enfermedade...
- La Junta de Andalucía edita la sexta edición de la...
- PSOE critica los recortes de personal en el CSIC a...
- Las urgencias nocturnas de los municipios segovian...
- La sanidad pública, bien valorada pero menos que e...
- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services AIDS.gov Blo...
- Online Trainings Strengthen HIV Prevention, Testin...
- National Health Statistics Reports Update
- National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) Updates
- La satisfacción de los usuarios con la sanidad cae...
- La Comunidad anuncia que publicará indicadores de ...
- El Gobierno recoge sangre y orina para analizar la...
- Imputado un vigués por falsificar más de 200 recet...
- El 76% de los españoles considera que la sanidad p...
- Health Care Innovations Exchange: Culturally Appro...
- Médicos sin fronteras se retira de Somalia | Solid...
- America’s New Health Insurance Marketplace | CDC F...
- R&D talent cluster locations drive life science U....
- Novartis: Afinitor Fails Phase III Liver Cancer Tr...
- Study: Anxiety Medication Use Higher Among Caregiv...
- Collaboration seeks to revitalize drugs approachin...
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- Comienza II Encuentro Regional de la Patagonia sob...
- Salud firmó convenio con Francia para capacitación...
- Salud inició reuniones para elaborar el Plan Nacio...
- Acuerdo en el caso del ATS que contagió la hepatit...
- CDC Online Newsroom | Press Release | CDC state da...
- El copago farmaceútico supone 24 millones a los pe...
- El freno del precio de los medicamentos ayuda a re...
- La cifra de fallecidos en China por la ‘gripe de S...
- Los menores transexuales podrán elegir aseo en las...
- Unos 50.000 españoles tienen VIH y no lo saben | S...
- Ser madre sin pareja masculina cuesta entre 1.000 ...
- Infections and Pregnancy Update
- 'Superbug' Can Spread to Nearby Hospitals: Medline...
- Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 307 in 37 States: Medl...
- Lasers in Toys Can Cause Serious Eye Damage, FDA W...
- Asian Tiger Mosquito Could Spread U.S. Disease: Me...
- NQMC Update Service: August 12, 2013 ► Australian ...
- Volunteer Internship Opportunity at the HHS Office...
- El Mercado de Seguros de Salud y sus opciones
- CDC's Grand Rounds Presents an Encore Presentation...
- Report: Ovarian Cancer Diagnostics And Therapies M...
- Iran and Azerbaijan arise as lucrative healthcare ...
- Oncologists Continue To Shun Sales Reps More Than ...
- An Otsuka Kidney Drug And A Researcher's Ironic Fi...
- AIDS Group Wins Legal Battle With FDA Over Confide...
- Feds Probe Antipsychotic Prescriptions For Childre...
- 2013 Consumer Health IT Summit
- EHC Program Update: New Draft Report Open for Comm...
- SAMHSA Headlines: New Standards Enhance Behavioral...
- What Do the New CLAS Standards Mean for Behavioral...
- Health Alert Network | HAN Archive - 00352
- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services AIDS.gov Blo...
- One more day left to register for the 2013 Nationa...
- CDC Around the World This Week: Malaria & More…
- Jornada de debate: "El manejo de los conflictos sa...
- National Health Center Week
- Varias farmacéuticas, acusadas de realizar soborno...
- Salud del veterano y personal militar - Actualizac...
- Press Announcements > FDA awards contract to devel...
- Picaduras de insectos - Actualización
- Cuidado prenatal - Actualización
- Cáncer de seno - Actualización
- Bebé prematuro - Actualización
- Muchos médicos recetan antibióticos potentes de ma...
- Los bebés negros de EE. UU. tienen el doble de pro...
- Just a Few Days Left - Heads Up Poster Design Cont...
- CDC - NIOSH Science Blog – Free On-line Violence P...
- Teen Sexual Health Update
- Deploy CONNECT 4.2 Today!
- TOMORROW - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconferenc...
- Disparidades en la atención de la salud - Actualiz...
- Los afiliados de Isfas tienen derecho a la reposic...
- Fernández Lasquetty duda de la capacidad de pago d...
- Confirman la pena de cárcel para tres sanitarias p...
- Adjudicación definitiva de la gestión de tres hosp...
- La ONT rechaza los llamamientos públicos para "pac...
- Pediatras niegan que haya niños desnutridos por la...
- El Gobierno planea dar más poder a las mutuas en l...
- “Si compartiera la privatización, la habría puesto...
- Cecova defiende la “profesionalidad” del sector tr...
- O indemnización o renta vitalicia para las víctima...
- Más impuestos sobre el tabaco, menos consumo de al...
- Salud y gestión social para la integración regiona...
- CDC - CDC en Español - Datos y estadísticas
- Finalizaron las Becas de Formación de Recursos Hum...
- Finalizaron las Becas de Formación de Recursos Hum...
- IntraMed - Noticias médicas - Día del nutricionist...
- DISPATCHES ► EID-CDC ► Volume 19, Number 8–August ...
- EID -CDC ► August 2013 issue now online ► Volume 1...
- Guide to Benefits Programs for Seniors: You Gave. ...
- Health Insurance Marketplace for Individuals | Hea...
- Stomach Bug Outbreak Cases Top 500: MedlinePlus
- Many Docs Wrongly Prescribe Powerful Antibiotics: ...
- Cárcel para tres sanitarias por dar una sobredosis...
- Católicos y protestantes se alían en Costa Rica en...
- Malaria, buenas noticias | Opinión | EL PAÍS
- Los casos de dengue crecen un 60% en México con re...
- El plan para tratar toxicómanos con heroína se est...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: "Jornada sobre Derechos del...
- NGC Update Service: August 5, 2013 ► Eastern Assoc...
- NGC Update Service: August 5, 2013 ► American Coll...
- NGC Update Service: August 5, 2013 ▲ American Soci...
- NGC Update Service: August 5, 2013 ► Diagnosis and...
- Minireview: The Molecular and Genomic Basis for Pr...
- Genetics in Medicine - Abstract of article: Underu...
- CDC - Blogs - Genomics and Health Impact Blog – Wh...
- CDC en Español - Especiales CDC - Disparidades de ...
- CDC - Cancer - Resources - Health Disparities in C...
- The Canadian "National Program for Hemophilia M......
- PLOS Computational Biology: GEMINI: Integrative Ex...
- Public Health Sciences
- Ethics, Policy and Law
- Select Events
- Los dromedarios podrían ser el origen del nuevo co...
- Los ‘ninis’ de la ciencia | Sociedad | EL PAÍS
- Email usage among HCPs to communicate with patient...
- New This Week on HealthIT.gov
- Enfrentarse con desastres - Actualización
- AGENDA - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconference ...
- EHC Program Update: New Draft Report Open for Comm...
- Rural Health Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicar...
- Skilled Nursing Facilities/Long-Term Care Open Doo...
- Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals...
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- Important Changes to Upcoming Advisory Meetings
- Reply to A. Azad et al
- Reply to A. Azad et al
- Helping Patients Quit Tobacco: ASCO’s Efforts to H...
- End-of-Life Care in Oncology Inpatients: Who, Wher...
- Addressing Tobacco Use in Patients With Cancer: A ...
- Cost Concerns of Patients With Cancer
- Pretreatment Patient Comorbidity and Tobacco Use I...
- Qualitative Analysis of Practicing Oncologists’ At...
- Los pacientes en diálisis pueden vivir más tiempo ...
- Hip Replacement Market to Grow as More Young Peopl...
- GSK to Add 2D Barcoding on Several U.S. Vaccines |...
- Vital Signs: Obesity Among Low-Income, Preschool-A...
- New research helps identify patients with greatest...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- IntraMed - Noticias médicas - Es "obligatorio" con...
- La deuda sanitaria y el tiempo de pago se han redu...
- Valencia participa en la red europea de seguridad ...
- Las consultas de telemedicina pediátrica mejoran l...
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | Guidelines by T...
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | Guidelines by T...
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | Guidelines by T...
- Mental Health Services Should Be Part of Emergency...
- First study of human transmission of new bird flu ...
- Michael Mastromarino, ladrón de cadáveres | Socied...
- Médicos peruanos abandonan un hospital tras 23 día...
- Claves de la vacuna contra la malaria | Media | EL...
- Primera vacuna antimalaria eficaz | Sociedad | EL ...
- Los servicios de salud mental deben formar parte d...
- EHC Program Update: New Consumer and Clinician Sum...
- MMWR Summaries August 8, 2013
- MEPS Data Users’ Workshop: September 23-24 | Agenc...
- Diagnostic Error in Medicine 6th International Con...
- Articles of Interest: Current Year | Agency for He...
- CDC - MMWR Weekly ► August 9, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No....
- Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment O...
- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services AIDS.gov Blo...
- Patentan un pastillero inteligente - DiarioMedico....
- Preventing Chronic Disease - CDC: Volume 10, 2013:...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Family Child Care Pro...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Adherence to Cancer S...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Instituting a Smoke-F...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Determinants of Succe...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Improving Quality of ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Factors Predicting Ph...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Formative Evaluation ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Formative Evaluation ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Improving Public Heal...
- CDC - Preventing Chronic Disease: Announcements
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Comparison of Potenti...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Community Size as a F...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Development of a Comm...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Preventable Hospitali...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Medical Center Farmer...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | The Economic Impact o...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Using Empirical Bayes...
- Preventing Chronic Disease | Sustained Improvement...
- Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals...
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment O...
- Italia aprueba que las denuncias por violencia mac...
- La prórroga presupuestaria de Mas indigna a las en...
- Sanidad aumentó el presupuesto para los conciertos...
- Brasil contratará a médicos militares para trabaja...
- Las farmacias cobrarán en octubre los 300 millones...
- Manipular el H7N9 para evitar una pandemia | Bioci...
- Attorney encourages pharmas to embrace social medi...
- SAMHSA News: Landmark Mental Health Conference Con...
- NIH - Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
- The HeLa Genome: An Agreement on Privacy and Acces...
- CDC Press Release: Obesity among low-income presch...
- NIAID Funding Newsletter, August 8, 2013
- Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment O...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Accelerating Health Information Exchange
- ¿Cuál es el mejor método para dar eutanasia a los ...
- Denuncias contra Turquía por encarcelar a científi...
- 'Se ofrece leche materna para bebés de parejas hom...
- Autopsias 'low cost' | Biociencia | elmundo.es
- Detectado en China el primer caso de posible trans...
- OMS recomienda a médicos de AP que no suministren ...
- SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconf...
- Patterns of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent use a...
- Volume-outcome relationship in neurotrauma care. [...
- Randomized controlled trial of a video decision......
- Patterns and predictors of stress te... [JACC Card...
- National trends in heart failure hospital ... [J A...
- Meta-analysis of effect sizes reported at multip.....
- Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy an... [A...
- Ethnic differences in potentially preventable hosp...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network - Root Cause Analysis
- AHRQ’s Web M&M Examines Diagnostic Errors and Emer...
- Register for National Quality Strategy Webinar on ...
- Linking Clinical Practices and Community Organizat...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #407: Trends in Utilization and ...
- PCOR Individual Career Development Grants | Agency...
- No-smoking law in Colorado casinos led to fewer am...
- New Federal Guidelines for Managing Occupational E...
- Harvard contrata a una investigadora de Jaén que t...
- New Federal Guidelines for Managing Occupational E...
- Cloud computing is expected to take European healt...
- IntraMed - Artículos - La paradoja de la prevenció...
- Valencia aprueba medidas urgentes para obtener rec...
- La Comunidad de Madrid logra en 2012 un ahorro del...
- Un aumento del 1,4% en el PIB anual podría garanti...
- Uno de cada cuatro hospitales públicos de Reino Un...
- El gasto sanitario valenciano crece un 45% más que...
- National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Measures...
- National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Measures...
- NQMC Update Service: August 5, 2013
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Health Upda...
- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Update
- El índice de radiación del agua de Fukushima se in...
- Cancer Redefined?
- JAMA Network | JAMA | Overdiagnosis and Overtreatm...
- Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment O...
- August 2013 issue now online: MEDSCAPE CME ACTIVIT...
- August 2013 issue now online: COMMENTARIES
- PCR Detection of Microbial Pathogens - Vol. 19 No....
- Public Health in East and Southeast Asia: Challeng...
- Real-time PCR in Food Science: Current Technology ...
- Impact of 2003 State Regulation on Raw Oyster–asso...
- The New Global Health - Vol. 19 No. 8 - August 201...
- Hospitals Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare &...
- EHC Program Update: New Draft Report and Methods R...
- AHRQ Web Event Wednesday August 7 TEST6
- India Partly Revokes Roche Patents For Herceptin B...
- Roundtable tackles NYC diabetes epidemic | Pharmal...
- Forum Santiago del Estero - Noticias
- RDC - What's New
- Save the Date: Monday, Sept 16 - Consumer Health I...
- “Tendré que vender la casa para que mi madre pueda...
- La UE interceptó falsificaciones por valor de 1.00...
- Nace la hamburguesa de laboratorio | Sociedad | EL...
- Emergencia en Fukushima por la liberación de agua ...
- IntraMed - Arte y Cultura - "Ayudar a morir"
- PSM presentará un recurso al TS por la externaliza...
- Carlos Carnicer: "Es un anteproyecto de ley sin co...
- Economía elimina la mención expresa a las farmacia...
- 50.000 niños catalanes sufren privaciones alimenta...
- China pone cerco a la corrupción de multinacionale...
- Rajoy ignora a la ciencia | Sociedad | EL PAÍS
- Ethics, Policy and Law
- Parents don't fully understand biobank research, s...
- Understanding of informed consent by parents of ch...
- Private Data, Public Good? | Wellcome Trust Blog
- Summary report of qualitative research into public...
- JAMA Network | JAMA Internal Medicine | The Future...
- 'Born in Michigan? You're in the Biob... [Public H...
- Select Events
- Las especies marinas se desplazan hacia los polos ...
- Guerra a los vigorizantes ilegales | elmundo.es
- ¿Estamos sobrediagnosticando el cáncer? | Cáncer |...
- DADI 2013 - Dolor - Ansiedad - Depresión - Insomni...
- Spotlight: Genome-wide Association Studies: Public...
- Uno de cada tres estadounidenses jóvenes ha sido v...
- La asistencia computarizada para la toma de decisi...
- “Los médicos recetarán fármacos y aplicaciones” | ...
- “Cada usuario que incorporemos al sistema legal lo...
- Marihuana contra el tráfico de drogas | Sociedad |...
- El dengue causa en Centroamérica 30 muertos y amen...
- Peripheral Artery Disease on the Rise Worldwide: M...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Improving patient ca...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ From mindless to min...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ The epidemiology of ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Preventing Overdiagn...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► A perinatal care qua...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Human factors and er...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Patient Safety Execu...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ e-Prescribing: chara...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Electronic medical r...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Improving adverse dr...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Medical audible alar...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ A toolkit to dissemi...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Effectiveness of the...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Moving Forward with ...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Development and con...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ In a culture of disr...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ National Patient Saf...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Safety Problems With...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Patient Safety in th...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Associated Urinary T...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Creating a culture o...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Perceived patient sa...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network ▲ Influence of state...
- New This Week on HealthIT.gov
- Press Announcements > FDA defines “gluten-free” fo...
- Quality regulation of nursing homes leads to bette...
- Nursing home residents with dementia have an incre...
- AHRQ Stats | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qual...
- Treatment of hypertension, including use of contra...
- Patient Safety Indicators for hemorrhage and infec...
- More research needed on effectiveness of oral cont...
- More research needed to compare effectiveness of M...
- Insufficient evidence to compare effectiveness of ...
- New review evaluates latest data on rate control a...
- Conference papers explore shared decisionmaking be...
- News and Notes | Agency for Healthcare Research & ...
- Healthcare 411 | Agency for Healthcare Research & ...
- Research Briefs | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Todo mucho más claro | Cultura | EL PAÍS
- El Instituto Catalán de la Salud redujo su gasto u...
- Una comisión maratoniana y descafeinada | Cataluña...
- Compromís reclama que se investigue la privatizaci...
- El Gobierno acota los colegios profesionales y cam...
- Brasil aprueba una polémica ley a favor de las víc...
- Medicare drug premiums remain stable four years in...
- Information sought for ACA non-discrimination regu...
- Limiting coverage of weight loss surgery to center...
- Larger gastric sleeves during laparoscopic sleeve ...
- Compliance with Joint Commission's discharge measu...
- Serum and urine biomarkers point to possible gende...
- Increased access of patients with diabetes to phys...
- New York | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qualit...
- Safety-net patients are interested in using electr...
- Smokeless tobacco use in Native Americans linked t...
- Coexisting conditions do not explain racial differ...
- Black and less educated Medicare patients with end...
- Recent improvements in insurance coverage still le...
- Continuity of health insurance for low-income adul...
- Clinical Cases | Agency for Healthcare Research & ...
- Most surgeons expect patients to buy-in to postope...
- Patients admitted to the hospital when the emergen...
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- NIOSH eNews - August, 2013
- Data Submission Oct 1-15 for AHRQ's Medical Office...
- Vaccines: News/2013 MMWRs related to immunization
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012 > FDA Ann...
- CDC Finds Firearm-Related Suicides Increasing, Hom...
- CDC - MMWR Weekly ► August 2, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No....
- MMWR News Synopsis for August 1, 2013
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- El Tribunal de Apelación británico dice ‘no' al su...
- NQMC Update Service: July 29, 2013
- Chart biopsy may improve emergency department hand...
- Implementation factors important in promoting succ...
- Most hospitalizations of older veterans for therap...
- The effect of medication reconciliation on medicat...
- Automated phone monitoring system provides importa...
- Multiple interventions offer pathways to improved ...
- Despite guidelines, secondary prevention medicatio...
- Hospitals with more nurses with bachelor’s degrees...
- From the Director | Agency for Healthcare Research...
- Preventing Childhood Obesity-Researching What Work...
- Relacionan la pobreza a una edad temprana con el a...
- Muchas madres con bajos ingresos tienen dificultad...
- Un análisis global revela un alarmante incremento ...
- Experts Call for Redefinition of 'Cancer': Medline...
- Health Care Innovations Exchange: Improving Health...
- White House Hosts U.S. Observance of World Hepatit...
- Analgésicos - Actualización
- ProMED-mail | ProMED-mail
- Contaminación del aire - Actualización
- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services AIDS.gov Blo...
- Condenada una aseguradora por el veto de ginecólog...
- La Sindicatura revela que las resonancias costaría...
- EEUU recomienda a los fumadores hacerse un TAC
- Otro golpe a la ley que prohíbe los refrescos giga...
- El CNIO planea casi 70 despidos
- CMS/ONC Joint Webinar on Accelerating Health Infor...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Update: AHRQ-Supported Confere...