jueves, 3 de enero de 2019



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Published Date: 2019-01-02 17:30:29
Subject: PRO/EDR> Measles update (01): Americas, Africa, Southeast Asia
Archive Number: 20190102.6240858
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

In this update:
[1] New York (Orange County)

[2] Kenya (Wajir county)
[3] Uganda (Kagadi District )

Southeast Asia
[4] Thailand

[1] New York (Orange county)
Date: Tue 1 Jan 2019
Source: MidHudson News.com [edited]

The Orange County Health Department had confirmed another case of measles, bringing the total to 7. That compares with 96 cases in neighboring Rockland County.

[See URL for locations and times of possible exposure in Orange and Rockland counties. - Mod.LK]

Persons who are not already immune can receive treatments up to 6 days after exposure, health officials said.

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ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[Rockland County Department of Health officials said there were 95 confirmed cases and 7 suspected cases of measles in the county as of 17 Dec 2018. It appears from this report there are now 96 confirmed cases. The outbreak began with visitors to and from Israel in September 2018, demonstrating the importance of vaccination even in a country declared measles-free such as the US.

The Health Department administered free vaccination with MMR to non-immunized individuals in December 2018 in Orange county in response to the increasing number of measles cases in the region. See ProMED mail Measles update (79): Middle East, Americas, Europe, Pacific 20181223.6221389. - Mod.LK]

[2] Kenya (Wajir county)
Date: Mon 31 Dec 2018
Source: Daily Nation [edited]

Two people have died from measles in Wajir County, the health department has said.

Preventive and Promotive Healthcare services deputy director Adam Hassan said on Mon [31 Dec] the disease was 1st detected in Wajir North in September [2018].

Dr. Hassan said 88 cases have so far been recorded in Wajir North, 39 in Wajir West, 11 in Wajir East and one in Tarbaj. The worst hit areas are Bute, Danaba and Qarsa Bulla (in Wajir North) and Hadado and Mau mau in Wajir West.

"We have begun carrying out campaigns in various parts of the county to educate the public about the disease in a bid to prevent further spread," he said.

According to the World Health Organisation, measles is extremely contagious and "it remains an important cause of death among young children globally, despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine".[...-more]

[Byline: Bruhan Makong]

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ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[3] Uganda (Kagadi District)
Date: Tue 1 Jan 2019
Source: Daily Monitor [edited]

More than 30 cases of suspected measles have been reported in Bwikala Sub-county in Kagadi District, medical officials have said. The epidemic has been reported in the villages of Mabaale A and B in Nyakarongo Parish, Bwikara.

The residents who had started seeking traditional treatment have appealed to government for medical help.

The affected cases including children and adults were admitted at Bwikara Health Centre III with others already getting treatment in local health clinics.

Kagadi District health officer, Dr. James Olwo, could not confirm or deny the suspected measles outbreak in the district. He said an investigation was being carried out to establish the exact cause of the ailments that had broken out in the area. [...-more]

[Byline: Alex Ahimbisibwe]

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ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[4] Thailand
Date: 1 Jan 2019
Source: Aljazeera News [abridged, edited]

Amid deep-rooted vaccination fears, curable disease makes forceful reappearance with thousands of cases and 22 deaths.

Even though it's widely accepted that [measles] is close to being eradicated here in Thailand's deep south, the virus has spread rapidly since September [2018], affecting some 3000 people out of the 4000 reported cases nationwide and causing the deaths of at least 22 children.

Doctors are warning that the measles outbreak has gone off the rails in the country's south. The region borders Malaysia in a cluster of provinces - Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala and Songkla - where tensions have been raging for years amid ongoing conflict between separatists fighting for independence and the Thai military.

Experts say the recent measles outbreak is the result of a lack of adequate health education, high levels of child malnourishment and dangerous anti-vaccination narratives that have long plagued the area.

"Right now, the situation is really bad," says Muhammadfahmee Talek, a local epidemiologist and lecturer at Prince of Songkla University Pattani campus, noting that the majority of those affected are children under the age of 4.

Talek attributes the growing number of cases to the deep south's high levels malnutrition - affecting, in some areas, up to 30% of children, according to UNICEF - and low vaccination coverage.

"We need to improve the nutrition status of the kids here, and we also need to encourage the education of the parents. This is so important for the kids because immunisation saves countless lives," he says, calling for the crisis to be contained. "If our kids aren't generally healthy, then they will be more susceptible to other illnesses in the future."

There's no doubt that vaccinations have made global progress. Research indicates that immunisations have resulted in an 80% drop in measles-related deaths between 2000 and 2017, and within that period, measles vaccinations thwarted an estimated 21.1 million deaths.

[Byline: Caleb Quinley]

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[This report describes a young child who contracted measles after having received only the 1st of the 2-dose series of vaccinations. He became ill, but not seriously. One must receive both the 1st and 2nd doses to be fully protected. - Mod.LK]

See Also

Measles update (81): Europe, Americas, Africa 20181231.6236997
Measles update (80): Europe, Pacific, Asia, Americas, Middle East 20181228.6226574
Measles update (79): Middle East, Americas, Europe, Pacific 20181223.6221389
Measles update (78): Europe, Americas, Africa 20181220.6216069
Measles update (77): Americas, Europe, Pacific 20181213.6207900
Measles update (76): Southeast Asia, Europe, Americas 20181209.6200560
Measles update (75): S America, SE Asia, vaccine 20181206.6183455
Measles update (74): WHO, PAHO, South America, USA, Southeast Asia 20181202.6176861
Measles update (73): WHO, Europe, Pacific, Middle East, USA, South America 20181201.6174755
Measles update (72): Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia 20181128.6168366
Measles update (71): Europe, Americas, Southeast Asia, Pacific 20181125.6163324
Measles update (70): Europe, Pacific, Americas 20181115.6146626
Measles update (69): South East Asia, Pacific, Middle East, Americas, Europe 20181112.6140598
Measles update (68): USA, South America, Middle East, Pacific 20181106.6130335
Measles update (67): Middle East, USA, Europe, South America 20181106.6128235
Measles update (66): Europe, Americas, Southeast Asia 20181102.6124542
Measles update (65): Africa, USA 20181025.6112636
Measles update (64): Americas, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Pacific 20181023.6107919
Measles update (63): Americas, Europe, Africa 20181019.6101105
Measles update (62): Middle East, Europe, Pacific 20181017.6095283
Measles update (61): Middle East ex Ukraine, Europe, USA 20181015.6090960
Measles update (60): Europe, Middle East, Africa 20181004.6069532
Measles update (59): PAHO 20180923.6046073
Measles update (58): Southeast Asia, Europe, USA 20180908.6015965
Measles update (57): Africa, Americas, Europe, Pacific 20180906.6009763
Measles update (56): Americas, Europe 20180831.6000907
Measles update (55): Americas, PAHO 20180830.5996307
Measles update (54): Americas 20180824.5985569
Measles update (53): Europe, WHO, worldwide 20180821.5978356
Measles update (52): Americas, Pacific 20180819.5975478
Measles update (51): Americas, Europe 20180816.5970434
Measles update (50): Americas, Europe 20180812.5961680
Measles update (49): Americas, Europe, Asia 20180807.5950837
Measles update (48): Americas, Europe 20180802.5943952
Measles update (47): Americas, Europe 20180729.5935207
Measles update (46): Americas, Asia, Indian Ocean, Europe 20180724.5924938
Measles update (45): Europe, Americas, Africa 20180720.5917479
Measles update (44): Americas, Europe, Asia 20180716.5908969
Measles update (43): Libya 20180715.5906212
Measles update (42): Somoa, MMR vaccine recall 20180712.5901735
Measles update (41): Americas, Europe, Pacific 20180709.5895186
Measles update (40): Middle East, Europe, Americas 20180704.5888315
Measles update (39): Americas, Europe, Pacific 20180626.5876101
Measles update (38): Americas, Europe, Pacific 20180624.5872709
Measles update (37): Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia 20180621.5866860
Measles update (36): Europe, South America, Africa 20180615.5858483
Measles update (35): Europe, Americas, Asia 20180610.5848499
Measles update (34): Europe, Asia, Pacific 20180606.5841052
Measles update (33): Asia, Africa, Europe, USA 20180526.5820018
Measles update (32): Europe, Pacific, Asia 20180524.5815287
Measles update (31): Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas 20180514.5796699
Measles update (30): Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe 20180510.5791951

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Un comunicado de ProMED-mail
ProMED-mail es un programa de la
Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas

Fecha: 02 de Enero del 2019
Fuente: Animal’s Health, EEUU
[Editado por Jaime Torres]       

La organización veterinaria sin fines de lucro Companion Animal
Parasite Council (Capc) ha realizado un estudio que concluye que la
enfermedad de Lyme está expandiéndose entre la población canina
doméstica en la geografía estadounidense. 

La prevalencia de la enfermedad está aumentando en los estados que
tradicionalmente no se consideraban de alto riesgo. De hecho, en
estados como el de Nueva York el riesgo de infección es alto y la
enfermedad ha llegado a regiones que históricamente no se
consideraban endémicas. Concretamente, la enfermedad en cánidos es
cada vez más común en el noroeste del país. Esta nueva situación
entraña un peligro para la salud humana, ya que al tratarse de una
enfermedad zoonótica, el peligro de contagio en humanos también
puede estar aumentando en estas áreas geográficas.

El estudio que ha elaborado la Capc, denominado ‘Un modelo de
regresión binomial espacio-temporal a gran escala para la estimación
de tendencias de seroprevalencia’ (‘A Large Scale Spatio-Temporal
Binomial Regression Model for Estimating Seroprevalence Trends’), ha
sido publicado en la revista científica Environmetrics y el objetivo
de la investigación fue estudiar las tendencias regionales en la
prevalencia de anticuerpos contra la bacteria _Borrelia burgdorferi_,
causante de la enfermedad de Lyme, mediante el análisis de más de 16
millones de resultados de pruebas de esta infección bacteriana en
perros. Todo ello durante un periodo de 6 meses.

El análisis ha identificado un incremento del riego de infección en
perros en diversas regiones y ha señalado que existen evidencias de
que está empeorando la situación de la enfermedad de Lyme en las
regiones en las que era endémica, además de apuntar el potencial
contagio a otras áreas no endémicas. En ese sentido, debido a la
naturaleza zoonótica de la enfermedad, se revela que está aumentando
el riesgo de contagio a humanos.

Por ello, el estudio apunta que la situación de la enfermedad en
Estados Unidos está empeorando, ya que en aquellas regiones o estados
donde ya era endémica el riesgo ha aumentado. Además, en las áreas
donde la enfermedad ha entrado recientemente la tasa de prevalencia es
cada vez mayor. Finalmente, la prevalencia está aumentando en los
estados que tradicionalmente no se consideran de alto riesgo.

Comunicado por: Jaime R. Torres <torresj@email.com>ProMED logo

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