jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Can a Chinese company's powerful new genome sequencer compete in the U.S.?

Can a Chinese company's powerful new genome sequencer compete in the U.S.?

The Readout

Damian Garde

An emerging David to sequencing's Goliath

Illumina has a virtual stranglehold on the global market for DNA sequencing devices, repeatedly beating its competitors in a race for faster, cheaper, and more detailed ways to decode the human genome.

But competition could be ratcheting up for the San Diego giant. As STAT's Kate Sheridan and Rebecca Robbins report, a Chinese company called BGI just unveiled a sequencing machine it claims can rival anything Illumina offers.

BGI's rise comes amid a skepticism toward Chinese companies, concerns about intellectual property, and an escalating trade war. But experts aren't counting the company out.

Read more.

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