viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

Corbus Pharma is nearing the readout of a pivotal drug study

Corbus Pharma is nearing the readout of a pivotal drug study

The Readout

Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Biotech is hard. It also takes a long time

Witness Corbus Pharmaceuticals, which as STAT’s Adam Feuerstein reports, is within weeks of announcing results from a Phase 3 study investigating a drug to treat patients with a chronic, connective tissue disease. 
If you don’t remember much about the Corbus drug called lenabasum, it’s probably because the Phase 2 study was completed four years ago. This is a pivotal moment for Corbus, so now’s a good time to reexamine the old lenabasum data and get you up to speed on the study design and expectations for the Phase 3 readout. 

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