jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

KFF Health Tracking Poll – July 2020 | KFF

KFF Health Tracking Poll – July 2020 | KFF

Morning Rounds

Shraddha Chakradhar

Parents — especially non-white parents — are more in favor of slower reopening of schools

Nearly twice as many people want to take a slower approach to reopening schools versus getting back to in-person learning quickly, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll. Here's more from the poll, which surveyed more than 1,300 adults, including parents of school-aged children: 
  • Views: 60% of parents think it's better to open schools later when the risk of getting Covid-19 is as low as possible. Three-quarters of parents of color prefer waiting, compared to 51% of white parents who said the same. 
  • Concerns: Majorities of parents are worried about school teachers and staff getting sick or their child being unable to maintain distancing requirements. Two-thirds worry about their child falling behind academically and socially if schools don't reopen.  
  • Other effects: Around 90% of parents of color worry about their child or someone in their family getting sick if kids go back to school (half of white parents say the same). People of color are also likelier to worry about losing income or social services for their child if kids can't go back to school. 

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