viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

NETEC COVID-19 Webinar Series: Tackling the COVID-19 Storm through the Lens of Long-Term Care Facilities: Part 2 | NLM

Disaster Information Management Research Center | NLM

Disaster Information and Emergency Response

07/22/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC). Published: 7/22/2020. In this 54-minute webinar, participants discuss different policies and processes taken at long-term care facilities caring for COVID-19-positive residents based on case-based experiences, describe mitigation strategies involved to promptly identify and isolate residents with possible COVID-19 utilizing appropriate infection prevention practices, and describe the role of local and state public health in the identification, prevention, and control of COVID-19 in long-term facilities. (Video or Multimedia)

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