viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

Research with fetal tissues limitation continued to rain criticism

Research with fetal tissues limitation continued to rain criticism


nº 88

 Contact us HERE     07/24/ 2020


COVID-19 vaccines research phase

Positive research phase of COVID 19 vaccines disseminated by media could not be entirely in line with reality

Last Tuesday an article published in the medical journal The Lancet was widely disseminated in  mass media. It reports the preliminary results of the vaccine being developed … Read more.
UN accusation of gender discrimination

Observatory’s assessment of UN anual report "Freedom of Religion or Belief"

In February this year, UN Special rapporteur Ahmed Shaeed published his annual report. With regard to the Catholic Church, he notes that it is opposed to the reproductive health and sexual rights of women (euphemisms with which the UN refers to abortion) while denying the equality of LGBT+ persons. Statement we can not accept... Read more.


research with fetal tissues limitation

Covid-19 and Trump’s limitations on research using tissue from aborted fetuses

Since the U.S. statement last year on limiting funding of research with fetal tissues from elective abortions, Investigators have continued to rain criticism on the decision. Now, the controversy has been reignited, as this… Read more.
gene editing and stem-cells gene editing innovation

Research study combines latest advances in gene editing with the therapeutic potential of stem cells

Researchers from Boston and Shanghai have recently published an interesting article in Nature medicine on their research using gene editing in human stem cells, with the aim to treat different blood diseases. In the … Read more.
Human genome grammar is extremely complex. human genome lexicology

Human genome "grammar and lexicology" is extremely complex. Are we prepared for the genetics revolution we are living?

Human genome sequencing revealed the order of the 3 billion letters of the DNA but not what they mean, much less the grammar and lexicology that gives them meaning."Being able to locate specific differences in the genome is only a very small part of understanding how these genetic variants actually work to produce the traits we see… 
Facial recognition systems treat databese with millions of personal data

Facial recognition devices with critical personal data violate privacity of American citizens

Millions of personal data at disposal, something new, at least, in democratic countries and facial recognition systems currently used …Read more.
Vaccine transporting innovation

New method created for vaccines transporting could revolutionize immunnization programs worlwide

A novel method for preserving, transporting and administering vaccines circumventing the need for trained personnel and special storage conditions that are often lacking…


Ovarian tissue cryopreservation adolescent cancer survivors

Adolescent cancer survivors show safety and satisfaction with ovarian tissue cryopreservation

Our Observatory has published medical and ethical aspects of ovarian tissue cryopreservation. In this respect, a recent report shows the success of preventing infertility in adolescent girls… Read more.
Sex biological variable. Scientists have analyzed the brains of both sexes to define different traits that explain this variability

New approach in sex differences in human cognition suggests a change in paradigm

Our Observatory has published many articles of the objective differences in the brain between males and females showing that it is not a mere matter of different behaviors… Read more.
Roe v. Wade litigation

Tennessee Gov. signed one of the strictest abortion bans. Prolife agenda continues

The new law is added to heartbeat bills already approved in many states, but it contains greater restrictions, protecting unborn children with Down syndrom and more. Our Observatory has … Read more.
euthanasia deaths euthanasia latest figures

Belgium euthanasia latest figures and current shocking involuntary "euthanasia" cases

Belgium already has 18 years of experience with euthanasia, and hard figures indicate that, with its legalization, the number of euthanasia deaths has increased.  20,000 cases a lot of them without consent…
Sex linked differences in the structure and functioning of girls and boys brains also explain their different behaviour in adolescence

More about differences in brain development of adolescent girls and boys

We have published in our Observatory a huge review of these differences "anatomical and physiological structures are compounded by new discoveries on genetic sex linked differences. Which effect has the genetic variability on the structure and functioning of our brains ?" Now… Read more.
Boris Johnson's staff is accused of eugenics thaughts. Is it only personal opinion?

Boris Johnson's staff is accused of eugenics thoughts

Dominic Cummings was named as a senior aide and has since been strongly criticized for hiring an adviser with open eugenicist views, after it emerged that Cummings suggested in   that the NHS should cover the cost of selecting babies to have higher IQs… Read more.

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