09/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: European Union, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Published: 9/24/2020. This 38-page document, updated on September 24, 2020, provides guidelines that detail available options for non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in various epidemiologic scenarios, assess the evidence for their effectiveness, and address implementation issues, including potential barriers and facilitators. (PDF)
09/21/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 9/21/2020. As COVID-19 infections reach the six-month and six-million infected mark in the United States, behavioral health organizations are finding themselves having to move beyond rapid infectious disease preparations and on to a "next phase" of care. This one-hour webinar explores the ongoing approaches to care and how they are evolving to best meet the needs. (Video or Multimedia)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Center for Global Development (CGD). Published: 9/2020. This 11-page report summarizes a study that reviewed 28 new reports about violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic, and found increasing evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated policy response measures increase violence against women and children across contexts. (PDF)
08/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Published: 8/24/2020. This five-page document highlights specific actions that certain states have already taken to better support the nursing facilities’ ability to safely care for all residents, including COVID-19-positive residents, during this public health emergency, and how enhanced nursing facility payment supported those efforts. (PDF)
08/14/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Minnesota Department of Health. Published: 8/14/2020. This 51-page toolkit was created for long-term care facilities to implement measures to prevent and control disease spread in a facility, and to collect data that will help to track respiratory illness and COVID-19 in residents and staff. (PDF)
07/31/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Infectious Diseases (CDC OID). Published: 7/31/2020. This web page offers considerations for ways in which administrators of retirement communities and independent living facilities can help protect residents, workers, visitors, and communities, and slow the spread of COVID-19. (Text)
06/29/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 6/29/2020. Mental health professionals are bracing for what may be an epidemic of clinical depression related to COVID-19. In this one-hour webinar, the presenter reviews the science on risk factors for depression that cause this grave warning, and shares the latest information on how individuals are responding to the current crisis. (Video or Multimedia)
06/15/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Minnesota Department of Health. Published: 6/15/2020. This one-page table provides recommendations for the kind of personal protective equipment that should be worn in congregate care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. (PDF)
06/08/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 6/8/2020. Presenters in this one-hour, 34-minute webinar speak about the response of behavioral health systems and facilities to the COVID-19 pandemic. They cover preparedness and response for state hospitals, crisis services, residential and community treatment services, and the criminal and civil justice interface. (Video or Multimedia)
06/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 6/1/2020. This one-hour, six-minute webinar focuses on the identification and description of common barriers to treatment when working with traumatized Hispanics and Latinos. The presenter provides practical treatment strategies for overcoming these barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic, strategies for effective and efficient trauma processing, and a concrete model for rapid crisis de-escalation based on a case study of a Hispanic client. (Video or Multimedia)
06/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Published: 6/2020. This 38-page document is a guide to Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies on how to support those who are experiencing loss and grief during the COVID-19 pandemic. (PDF)
05/28/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 5/28/2020. Part two of this two-part webinar series helps participants develop a two-minute message of behavioral health hope and possibility to use when advocating for behavioral health supports and services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Video or Multimedia)
05/27/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH). Published: 5/27/2020. This 66-page document was created for San Francisco skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to support facilities' COVID-19 prevention and response efforts. The guidance has been developed from lessons learned and best practices during Laguna Honda Hospital’s COVID-19 outbreak response. (PDF)
05/26/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 5/26/2020. This one-hour, 33-minute webinar explores the Crisis Leadership Continuum (readiness, response, recovery, and renewal), highlighting health care leadership approaches and strategies integral to ensuring staff wellbeing through crisis. It was hosted by the California Primary Care Association (CPCA). (Video or Multimedia)
05/21/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 5/21/2020. Part one of this two-part webinar series looks at the behavioral health language that has emerged through the COVID-19 pandemic, and discusses alternatives and opportunities. (Video or Multimedia)
05/20/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 5/20/2020. Presenters in this one-hour, 16-minute webinar discuss the Trauma Recovery Innovations program at the University of Washington, which has been adapting psychological first aid to support members of the health care work force amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. (Video or Multimedia)
05/18/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Published: 5/18/2020. This five-page fact sheet answers a range of questions for nursing homes on the topics of reopening, visitation, and testing requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. (PDF)
05/14/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: American Medical Association (AMA). Published: 5/14/2020. This web page provides information about the regulation, limitations, and recommendations regarding serology tests that test for the presence of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Text)
05/14/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: National Governors Association (NGA). Published: 5/14/2020. This 17-page memo provides information regarding COVID-19 testing and test capacity, and strategies governors may consider as they work to increase that capacity in their states for both short-term and long-term needs. (PDF)
04/30/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 4/30/2020. This one-hour, 30-minute webinar offers information on awareness, self-care, and connection with others so public health workers can develop a plan for maintaining their mental health as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. This webinar was co-sponsored with the Region IV Public Health Training Center. (Video or Multimedia)
04/19/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH). Published: 4/19/2020. This 13-page document provides COVID-19 guidance for long-term facilities, who must take immediate action to protect residents and staff from severe infections, hospitalizations, and death. (PDF)
04/10/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA). Published: 4/10/2020. This 34-page guidance was created to assist long-term and residential care facilities in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. It includes an outbreak management checklist. (PDF)
04/09/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC). Published: 4/9/2020. This one-page fact sheet briefly covers why and how mental health facilities should prepare for public health emergencies, detailed in four steps. (PDF)
04/04/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: American Health Care Association (AHCA). Published: 4/4/2020. This four-page document discusses cohorting to keep facility residents who are COVID-19-positive or are suspected to have COVID-19 in the same space (wing, floor, etc.) that is separate from those who are COVID-19-negative or do not have exposure to COVID-19. (PDF)
04/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Published: 4/2020. This 10-page document is a quick reference tool for National Societies in providing effective care and support to volunteers during the different phases of a COVID-19 response. (PDF)
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