lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Bioethics and healthcare policies. The benefit of using genetic tests of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 in elderly patients - PubMed

Bioethics and healthcare policies. The benefit of using genetic tests of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 in elderly patients - PubMed

Bioethics and healthcare policies. The benefit of using genetic tests of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 in elderly patients



This study focuses on the role of bioethics in designing public healthcare policies towards elderly patients with cancer. The general overview of public administration and healthcare approach to treatment. Interpretation of how the EU public administration faces the challenges of an ageing population and extended human longevity. The significant emotional impact a genetic cancer test holds, both in the patients and their families, is to be explained. From the bioethics' perspective, artificial intelligence and transhumanism are dangerous concerning its absence of boundaries. As a result of daily contact with cancer, we acknowledge the immediate and relevant impact science produces in a patient's life. We converge these subjects to the improvement of public policies and governmental efforts in increasing society's positive results.
Keywords: breast cancer; ethics; healthcare; public management; solitude.


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