lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Ethical issues in reproductive genetic carrier screening - PubMed

Ethical issues in reproductive genetic carrier screening - PubMed

Ethical issues in reproductive genetic carrier screening

No abstract available


    1. Henneman L, Borry P, Chokoshvili D, et al. Responsible implementation of expanded carrier screening. Eur J Hum Genet 2016; 24: e1-e12.
    1. Delatycki MB, Alkuraya F, Archibald A, et al. International perspectives on the implementation of reproductive carrier screening. Prenat Diagn 2020; 40: 301-310.
    1. van der Hout S, Dondorp W, de Wert G. The aims of expanded universal carrier screening: autonomy, prevention, and responsible parenthood. Bioethics 2019; 33: 568-576.
    1. Mackenzie's Mission. https://www.macke​nzies​missi​ (viewed June 2020).
    1. Delatycki MB, Laing N, Kirk E. Expanded reproductive carrier screening - how can we do the most good and cause the least harm? Eur J Hum Genet 2019; 27: 669-670.

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