miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

During National Primary Care Week, AHRQ Highlights Resources To Address Unhealthy Alcohol Use

https://integrationacademy.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/2023-08/unhealthy-alcohol-use-environmental-scan-report.pdf As part of AHRQ’s EvidenceNOW: Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use (UAU) Initiative, the agency has developed a searchable database of nearly 600 resources—including trainings, toolkits and publications—for use by providers, organizational leadership and patients. These resources aim to improve skills in the use of screening for UAU, brief intervention for those at risk, and medication therapy for alcohol use disorder. A final report explains the process for identifying these resources and the issues primary care providers face when implementing screening, brief interventions, and/or referral to treatment. During National Primary Care Week, access the National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research to learn more about AHRQ’s support for primary care.

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