miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

Healthcare Expenditures for Heart Disease among Adults Aged 18 and Older in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2020

https://meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st550/stat550.shtml In 2020, 10.3 percent of adults who were classified as poor (with annual family incomes 125 percent below the federal poverty level [FPL] or lower) and 9.7 percent of those in low-income families (125 to 200 percent below FPL) received treatment for heart disease. These percentages were higher than the 8.2 percent of adults in middle-income families (200 percent below to 400 percent above FPL) and the 7.1 percent of those in high-income families (400 percent or more above FPL) receiving heart disease treatment. (Source: AHRQ Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Statistical Brief #550

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