viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

Maximizing Safety, Value, and Patient Preferences for Treating Chest Pain

Maximizing Safety, Value, and Patient Preferences for Treating Chest Pain: Grantee Profile AHRQ Grantee Simon Mahler Explores Strategies To Safely and Efficiently Treat Patients With Chest Pain People who go to an emergency department with chest pain are often admitted for further observation, testing or treatment. However, most patients do not need to be admitted and can safely go home. Simon A. Mahler, M.D., a professor and vice chair of research at Wake Forest University School of Medicine’s Department of Emergency Medicine, is using AHRQ funding to test a strategy he calls CARE, for Cardiovascular Ambulatory Rapid Evaluation. He aims to find out if moderate-risk patients can be sent home safely and receive outpatient clinic follow-up within 72 hours in lieu of being admitted immediately. Access more information about Dr. Mahler’s work as a first-time grantee,

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