aportes a la gestión necesaria para la sustentabilidad de la SALUD PÚBLICA como figura esencial de los servicios sociales básicos para la sociedad humana, para la familia y para la persona como individuo que participa de la vida ciudadana.
miércoles, 24 de julio de 2019
FDA seeks public feedback on biomarker and study endpoint glossary – Drug Information Update
FDA seeks public feedback on biomarker and study endpoint glossary
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a Federal Register notice, 21st Century Cures: Announcing the Establishment of the BEST Resource Taxonomy, to open a docket for public comment. In 2015, the FDA-NIH (National Institutes of Health) Joint Leadership Council identified the harmonization of terms used in translational science and medical product development as a priority need, with a focus on terms related to study endpoints and biomarkers. This resulted in the BEST glossary of terms. The FDA is seeking comments concerning the utility of BEST; including edits, additions and removal of terms along with a rationale supporting these proposed changes. Comments can also address the best approach for developing future iterations of the glossary. FDA has previously discussed taxonomy for biomarkers used in drug development at its public meeting on Drug Development Tool Process on December 11, 2018, and invited comment on the BEST taxonomy in guidance on the evidentiary framework for biomarker qualification published on December 12, 2018.
ver historia personal en: www.cerasale.com.ar [dado de baja por la Cancillería Argentina por temas políticos, propio de la censura que rige en nuestro medio]//
www.revistamedicos.com.ar //
www.quorumtuc.com.ar //
www.sectorsalud.com.ar //
www.maimonides.edu //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/UM_Informe_Autoevaluacion_FyB.pdf - //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/0216_Admin_FarmEcon.pdf - //
www.documentalistas.org.ar //
www.cpcesfe2.org.ar //
www.nogracias.eu //
www.estenssorome.com.ar //
www.cuautitlan.unam.mx/descargas/licenciaturas/bqd/plandestudio_bqd_ //
www.latamjpharm.org/trabajos/25/2/LAJOP_25_2_6_1_M4M6Z9746D.pdf //
www.nogracias.eu/v_juventud/informacion/informacionver.asp?cod= //
www.colfarse.com.ar //
www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_spanish/art_literary/523942-key_factors.html - 65k - // www.llave.connmed.com.ar/portalnoticias_vernoticia.php?codigonoticia=17715 // www.frusculleda.com.ar/homepage/espanol/activities_teaching.htm // http://www.on24.com.ar/nota.aspx?idNot=36331 ||
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