Data Submission for the AHRQ SOPS™ Medical Office Survey Database
Medical offices that have administered AHRQ’s Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture can submit data to the Database September 3 – October 21, 2019. Participating medical offices will receive free individual feedback and summary reports comparing their results to the overall Database results and use their results to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. Results will also be available in a Medical Office Database Report, which will provide average scores and percentiles on the survey questions and composite measures. Results are reported in the aggregate and do not include any information identifying participating medical offices. Each medical office location, including those from a healthcare system, is considered a separate community medical office for data submission purposes.
Medical offices who have not previously administered the survey may still do so, and participation in the Database is voluntary. The survey and supporting materials are available at .
NEW: The Database will also be accepting data from the SOPS™ Value and Efficiency Supplemental Items for the Medical Office Survey that has been administered with the SOPS Medical Office Survey.
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