sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

eMDM PROD Release Announcement | Release 2020.3.1.0 | April 03, 2020

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
This notification is to update Master Data Management (MDM) Stakeholders on the addition of Providers' email address associated with the Mailing and Practice Locations on a Medicare Enrollment in PECOS. The following MDM data products will now include Providers' email addresses.:

  1. MDM PMI/SPP Extract - P#MDD.FULL.PDM.ADRH.Dyymmdd.Thhmmsst - Available on 4/9
  2. The Comprehensive (Medi-Medi) PMI/SPP Extract - P#MDD.COMPFULL.PDM.CADRH.Dyymmdd.Thhmmsst - Available on 4/9
  3. MDM IDR ADM Table - EMAIL_ADR column in MDD_PRVDR_DM_ADR_HSTRY table with - Available on 4/10

Please note there is no change to the structure of the tables or the extract layouts with this deployment.

 If you have any questions or comments, please contact the MDM Team at MDMTeam@cms.hhs.gov .  If you have any MDM Operations and Support questions, please contact the MDM Operations team at mdmsupport@npss-inc.com.

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