martes, 14 de abril de 2020

Patient Safety Recommendations for COVID-19 Epidemic Outbreak: Lessons from the Italian Experience. | PSNet

Patient Safety Recommendations for COVID-19 Epidemic Outbreak: Lessons from the Italian Experience. | PSNet

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COVID-19 Resource

La Regina M, Tanzini M, Venneri F, et al for the Italian Network for Health Safety. International Society for Quality in Health Care; March 30, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation that requires a system orientation to diagnosis, management and post-acute care to keep clinicians, patients, families and communities safe. This set of recommendations is anchored on a human factors approach to provide overarching direction to design systems and approaches to respond to the virus. The recommendations focus on team communication and organizational culture; the diagnostic process; patient and family engagement to reduce spread; hospital, pediatric, and maternity processes and treatments; triage decision ethics; discharge communications; home isolation; psychological safety of staff and patients, and; outcome measures. An appendix covers drug interactions and adverse effects for medications used to treat this patient population. The freely-available full text document will be updated appropriately as Italy continues to respond, learn and amend its approach during the outbreak.

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