viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

Covid-19 vaccine trials must include Black and Latinx participants - STAT

Covid-19 vaccine trials must include Black and Latinx participants - STAT

The Readout

Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Covid-19 vaccine trials need diversity

Diversity in clinical trials has always been important. For the Covid-19 vaccine studies, inclusion of Black and Latinx people is critical, two Harvard infectious disease experts opine for STAT. It’s an opportunity to finally engage communities that have historically been underrepresented in clinical research, they write. After all, to match the demographics of Covid-19, Black or Latinx people would need to make up 40% of vaccine trials nationwide. 
Equitable representation in these trials won’t be easy, but it’s feasible — so long as this problem is acknowledged by vaccine makers, and diversity initiatives are made a priority, the authors write. Community engagement will also be critical, so that people might actually regain trust in the medical research establishment.

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