martes, 9 de junio de 2020

The coronavirus is reignting a fierce debate over compounded drugs

The coronavirus is reignting a fierce debate over compounded drugs

The Readout

Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Covid-19 has reignited a contentious FDA debate

The fear of coronavirus-related drug shortages led the FDA to relax the rules that govern compounding pharmacies. But public health experts, mindful compounders’ checkered past, are warning the agency of the risks of making those changes permanent.

As STAT’s Nicholas Florko reports, compounders argue that the Covid-19 crisis has only underlined the importance of their industry — and the unnecessary nature of some of the strict rules that govern it. Maintaining some of the emergency measures would improve patients’ access to vital drugs at a lower cost, according to industry groups.

On the other side, public health activists are urging the FDA to keep in mind why it cracked down on compounders in the first place, pointing to serious contamination problems that proved fatal for some patients.

Read more.

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