miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020

When the Indications for Drug Administration Blur | PSNet

When the Indications for Drug Administration Blur | PSNet

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In this WebM&M spotlight case with CE/MOC, a 55-year old woman became unarousable with low oxygen saturation as a result of multiple intravenous benzodiazepine doses given overnight. The benzodiazepine was ordered following a seizure in the intensive care unit (ICU) and was not revised or discontinued upon transfer to the floor; several doses were given for different indications – anxiety and insomnia. This case illustrates the importance of medication reconciliation upon transition of care, careful implementation of medication orders in their entirety, assessment of patient response and consideration of whether an administered medication is working effectively, accurate and complete documentation and communication, and the impact of limited resources during the night shift.

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