martes, 26 de marzo de 2024

GPS-derived environmental exposures during pregnancy and early postpartum - Evidence from the madres cohort

GPS-derived environmental exposures during pregnancy and early postpartum - Evidence from the madres cohort The built and natural environment factors (e.g., greenspace, walkability) are associated with maternal and infant health during and after pregnancy. Most pregnancy studies assess exposures to environmental factors via static methods (i.e., residential location at a single point in time, usually 3rd trimester). These do not capture dynamic exposures encountered in activity spaces (e.g., locations one visits and paths one travels) and their changes over time. In this study, researchers aimed to compare daily environmental exposure estimates using residential and global positioning systems (GPS)-measured activity space approaches and evaluated potential for exposure measurement error in the former. Author: Li Yi, Yan Xu, Sydney O'Connor, Jane Cabison, Marisela Rosales, Daniel Chu, Thomas A. Chavez, Mark Johnson, Tyler B. Mason, Sandrah P. Eckel, Theresa M. Bastain, Carrie V. Breton, John P. Wilson, Genevieve F. Dunton, Rima Habre Journal: The Science of the Total Environment, February 8

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