viernes, 2 de agosto de 2024

Roster of the Digital Health Advisory Committee November 20-21, 2024: Advisory Committee Meeting Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the roster of the Digital Health Advisory Committee. The Digital Health Advisory Committee will advise the FDA on issues related to digital health technologies (DHTs), providing relevant expertise and perspective to enhance the agency’s understanding of the benefits, risks, and clinical outcomes associated with the use of DHTs. Save the date: On November 20-21, 2024, the FDA plans to hold the inaugural Digital Health Advisory Committee meeting in person in Gaithersburg, MD, with simultaneous webcast. Topics planned to be addressed include how the use of Generative AI may impact safety and effectiveness of medical devices enabled with this technology. In upcoming weeks, further details about this meeting will be announced in the Federal Register in accordance with the FDA’s policies and procedures for Advisory Committee Meetings.

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