Implementing Diagnostic Excellence Across Systems (IDEAS): .yellow { background-color: #FDB81E; color: #323A45; } .yellow:hover { background-color: #FFF1D2; color: #323A45; } Take part in a national study to evaluate the impact of resources intended to help prevent diagnostic safety events.Diagnostic safety events are com
A new diagnostic safety improvement program is recruiting healthcare organizations to use and evaluate AHRQ resources including Calibrate Dx, Measure Dx and the Toolkit for Engaging Patients in Diagnostic Safety. Organizations that participate in AHRQ’s Implementing Diagnostic Excellence Across Systems (IDEAS) project will receive support and training to implement sustainable improvement. Continuing education credits and American Board of Medical Specialties Maintenance of Certification points will be available. Learn more, including how to participate in the project and register for a Jan. 16 webinar. Send questions to;jsessionid=0ZnWb7Et2zVM2LPQPnZ1Ipx-Kvr0AQ6HxB_BjHzFS9Xwl0aPnNsw!-2038305865?eventid=325
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