sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Research Activities, January 2013: Announcements: Registration now open for TeamSTEPPS® training in 2013

Research Activities, January 2013: Announcements: Registration now open for TeamSTEPPS® training in 2013


Registration now open for TeamSTEPPS® training in 2013

Registration for TeamSTEPPS training in 2013 is now open.  You can register your team of two to four staff members at http://www.onlineregistrationcenter.com/registerlist.asp?m=347&p=3 Exit Disclaimer.
Please note the new process for registration that is explained on the home page and throughout the Web site. A total of 15 training sessions will take place between January and September 2013 at the following locations: University of Washington (Seattle), University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), Tulane University (New Orleans, LA), Duke University (Durham, NC), and North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System (Manhasset, NY).
Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please be prepared to have each team member sign up promptly and individually in order to help ensure attendance for all team members. Please direct questions to AHRQTeamSTEPPS@aha.org.

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