martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Announcing USAID's 2018 Acting on the Call report

Announcing USAID's 2018 Acting on the Call report


2018 Acting on the Call Report

The 2018 Acting on the Call report focuses on the Journey to Self-Reliance

We are pleased to share USAID’s 2018 Acting on the Call report. This year’s report details how we partner with 25 countries on their journey to self-reliance for preventing child and maternal deaths by enabling countries to plan, fund and manage their own progress. For the first time ever, our report includes a return on investment analysis: USAID’s work to save women and children can yield an average 6-to-1 return on investment, resulting in $26.9 billion made available to the health sector by 2025.

Lufta and her 10-month-old baby boy, Maruf, are two of the women and children that the Agency has helped access essential—and often life-saving—health services. They’re in front of a soon-to-be completed Surjer Hashi clinic, part of a network of nearly 400 clinics in Bangladesh that, under a newly-created private social enterprise, will gradually reduce financial dependence on the Agency after 20 years of funding.

Learn more

  • You can see many more examples of how we partner with countries on their unique development journeys in this year’s report
  • See the 2018 fact sheet [PDF, 2.8MB] highlighting country progress on the journey to self-reliance
  • Read stories from the perspective of the people USAID's work impacts
  • Read a Medium post on how USAID is building self-reliance
  • Use #MomandBaby to share on social media our annual progress in preventing child and maternal deaths

Photo credit: Abir Abdullah

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