jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award To Promote Diversity

BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award To Promote Diversity

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award To Promote Diversity

NCCIH, along with the other NIH Institutes and Centers participating in the BRAIN Initiative, is happy to announce the BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00).

As highlighted in the BRAIN 2025 report, supporting biomedical research workforce diversity is critical toward training the next generation of investigators. This K99/R00 program is intended for individuals from diverse backgrounds (including nationally underrepresented groups) who are working in research areas supported by the BRAIN Initiative.

In particular, this notice is targeted toward eligible U.S. citizens or permanent residents who fall in one of the categories defined in the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity. Women have been shown to be underrepresented in doctorate-granting research institutions at senior faculty levels in most biomedical-relevant disciplines by the National Science Foundation and would be considered eligible candidates for this diversity program.

The first application due date is August 1, 2018:

technical assistance webinar will be held on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. ET to discuss these funding opportunities. Register for this webinar athttp://bit.ly/BRAINK99Webinar

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