viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Road to Recovery

Now Available: 2018 Recovery Month Toolkit and PSAs

Each September, SAMHSA sponsors National Recovery Month (Recovery Month) to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders, and to celebrate individuals living in recovery. Recovery Month is now in its 29th year. This year’s theme is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Invest in Health, Home, Purpose, and Community.” Together, we will explore how integrated care, a strong community, a sense of purpose, and leadership contributes to effective treatments that sustain the recovery of individuals with mental and substance use disorders.  
The 2018, the Recovery Month Toolkit and television and radio public service announcements (PSAs) are now available to view and download from the Recovery Month website. Communities across the country use these materials to organize events, issue proclamations, increase public awareness, and encourage individuals in need of services and their friends and families to seek help. 
  • Recovery Month Toolkit – This toolkit focuses on urban communities, health care providers, members of the media, and policymakers. It provides media outreach templates, tips for event planning and community outreach, audience-specific information on mental and substance use disorders, and other resources. (A Spanish version is coming soon!)
  • Recovery Month Television and Radio PSAs – The Voices for Recovery PSA delivers actual words of encouragement from individuals in recovery to those seeking help. The r is for Recovery PSA helps build and support a community of hope by portraying individuals who are proud of their recovery.  Spots are available in English and Spanish, in 20- and 30-second versions. PSAs are also available in closed- and open-ended versions. Open-ended versions allow communities to customize the PSAs with local information.
We encourage you to share these materials and help spread the possibility of recovery!  Learn more about Recovery Month 2018 and how you can get involved. 

Visit the Recovery Month Page

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