Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture
In 2004, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) released the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture for providers and other staff to assess the patient safety culture in their hospitals. Since then, hundreds of hospitals across the United States and internationally have implemented the survey.
Hospital Survey Toolkit
Survey Form
- Hospital Survey—English (PDF, 327 KB; MS Word, 187 KB).
- Facility version: Replaces the term "hospital" with "facility" (PDF, 301 KB; MS Word, 154 KB).
- Hospital Survey—Spanish (PDF, 152 KB; MS Word, 116 KB).
Survey Items and Composite Measures
- Hospital Survey Items and Composites—English (PDF, 149 KB).
- Hospital Survey Items and Composites—Spanish and Description of Translation Process (PDF, 241 KB).
Supplemental Items
Learn more about SOPS-approved supplemental item sets for the Hospital Survey.
- Health Information Technology Patient Safety Supplemental Items for the Hospital Survey
- Value and Efficiency Supplemental Items for the Hospital Survey
Survey User's Guide
The User's Guide discusses issues and major decisions involved in conducting a survey and reporting the results. The Guide includes information on getting started, selecting a sample, determining data collection methods, establishing data collection procedures, conducting a Web-based survey, and preparing and analyzing data, and producing reports.
- Survey User's Guide (PDF, 1.2 MB).
Additional Resources
Action Planning Tool (PDF File, 368.7 KB; Word, 111.77 KB)
The Action Planning Tool assists users of the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture to develop an action plan for improving patient safety culture in their organizations.
Research Reference List
This research reference list provides citations for published articles using AHRQ safety culture surveys. It includes references on the use of the surveys; psychometric analyses; analyses linking the survey to outcome data; reviews of instruments; and international studies.
Using Just Culture To Improve Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture Results (Webcast)
This Webcast provides strategies used to implement Just Culture in a health care system and how these led to improved results on the survey.
Page last reviewed March 2018
Page originally created July 2013
Page originally created July 2013
Internet Citation: Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Content last reviewed March 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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