jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

About the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) | ACL Administration for Community Living

About the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) | ACL Administration for Community Living

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NIDILRR Programs

  • Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program (DRRP) - This program funds knowledge translation, building capacity for minority research entities, individual research projects, and other work.
  • Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Program (RERC) - This program funds advanced engineering research and development of innovative technologies to solve rehabilitation problems or remove environmental barriers for people with disabilities.
  • Switzer Research Fellowship Program - This program provides grants for individuals to perform research on rehabilitation, independent living, and other experiences of people with disabilities.
  • Field-Initiated Projects Program Rehabilitation Research (FIP) - This program is investigator-initiated research with projects to generate new knowledge.
  • Model Systems Program - These programs provide coordinated systems of rehabilitation care and conduct research on recovery and long-term outcomes for spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and burn injury.
  • Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training Program (ARRT) - This program increases capacity for high-quality disability and rehabilitation research by supporting grants to institutions to provide advanced research training to individuals with doctorates or similar advanced degrees.
  • Rehabilitation Research and Training Center Program (RRTC) - These programs conduct advanced research, training, and information sharing on topic areas for improving rehabilitation methodology and service delivery systems; improving health and function; and promoting employment, independent living, family support and economic and social self-sufficiency for people with disabilities.
  • Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) - This program supports development of new ideas and projects useful to people with disabilities through grants to small business firms with strong research capabilities in science, engineering, or educational technology.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act National Network - This program funds 10 regional centers for providing information, training, and technical assistance to individuals, businesses, and agencies with rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

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