miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Medical, ethical, social and legal udated review on euthanasia and assisted suicide, Nº 68 - Bioethics Observatory - UCV


Medical, legal, social and bioethical assessment of euthanasia.

Any reflection on euthanasia should be made from a medical, legal, social and bioethical perspective to understand it in all the real effects of the legalization of this practice in our societies beyond theoretical considerations.

To better understand euthanasia medical procedures, we have to analyze the difference between euthanasia, assisted suicide and limitation on treatment - LOT

Part I. Medical aspects

Euthanasia is based on the administration of drugs and other substances with the intent to cause the death of a person at their request or that of their representatives, in order to bring about death using a “theoretically safe, relatively 'quick and painless' method”. The practice of this process should be analized, now when euthanasia is a mere medical act in some countries...
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Part II. Bioethical Aspects

In order to enter into the bioethical assessment of deliberately causing someone’s death, according to whether or not certain conditions are met, these must be evaluated, as must the lawfulness of the medical intervention and the compatibility of this practice with their profession. Also the patient who is experiencing, or who is afraid of experiencing unbearable suffering at a certain time during their illness or in a state of deep anguish, not always related with a physical disease, must be evaluated with the quality of palliative care the patient is receiving...
Euthanasia legal and social aspects. An approach with the very data of countries where it is legal. Disgrace medicine, society and justice

Part III. Legal and social aspects

Consequences of the legalisation of euthanasia (based on data of countries where it is approved) is a slippery slope. Have euthanasia and assisted suicide in the background of suicidal acts?. We must consider also the legal and social effects of euthanasia on children and the public opinion image of the medical professional…

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