miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018



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Published Date: 2018-08-01 09:41:50
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Myxomatosis - Spain: hare
Archive Number: 20180801.5939124
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Mon 30 Jul 2017
Source: Jaraysedal.es [in Spanish, trans. Mod.PMB, edited]

Myxomatosis is killing a large number of hares in Andalucia and Castilla-La Mancha. It is the 1st time that there is an outbreak of this disease in this species in Spain.

The epidemiologic surveillance service of the Environmental Council of Andalucia issued a report confirming that the 1st 2 samples collected from hares tested positive to Myxomatosis by PCR.

These results are preliminary and complementary tests are being conducted, together with the results of the epidemiological survey, which will allow confirming the diagnosis and assessing its magnitude.

The enviromental council urges citizens not to handle hares, and to provide information on carcasses found in the field.

In total, until [Sun 29 Jul 2018], 12 hares were collected from 10 hunting lodges from Cordoba and Jaen provinces, and have been tested for the disease.

Communicated by:

[Myxomatosis is a viral disease commonly observed in European wild rabbits (_Oryctolagus cuniculus_). In case of high prevalence among rabbits, hares can also become infected by myxoma virus. The virus is a natural pathogen of the South American rabbit (_Sylvilagus brasiliensis_), where it causes a relatively localized fibroma. The myxoma virus is an example of a virus that has jumped to other species to produce an exotic disease and then coevolved with its new host. The virus is transmitted via blood-feeding arthropods or by close contact between hares and infected rabbits or their excretions. In hares myxomatosis follows a prolonged course with multiple firm subcutaneous nodular masses at the head, back and limbs. - Mod.PMB]

[Rabbits and hares are members of the same order (Lagomorpha) and family (Leporidae) of mammals, but belong to different genera. Hares belong to the genus _Lepus_, while rabbits have multiple genera that include _Sylvilagus_ (the cottontail rabbit) and _Oryctolagus_ (the European wild rabbit) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leporidae). - Mod.ML

HealthMap/ProMED maps available at:
Jaén, Andalusia, Spain: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/16486
Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/13454]

See Also

Myxomatosis, rabbit - UK: (Scotland) 20161007.4544416
Myxomatosis, rabbit - UK: England (Herefordshire) 20121006.1328136
Myxomatosis, rabbit - UK: England 20111013.3070
Myxomatosis, rabbit - UK: (Wales, England) 20091014.3540 
Myxomatosis, rabbits - UK 20051128.3445
Myxomatosis, rabbits - UK (England) 20041208.3256

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