sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2018

Does scrubbing stethoscopes get them clean?

Morning Rounds
Megan Thielking

Does scrubbing stethoscopes get them clean?

A new study adds to the stack of evidence that stethoscopes can be home to all kinds of bacteria. Researchers studied the bugs on 20 reusable stethoscopes; 10 used, disposable stethoscopes; and 10 unused, disposable stethoscopes in one hospital's ICU. There was a thriving bacterial community on every stethoscope, including some bacteria that had the potential to cause infections in people. The researchers also swabbed other stethoscopes before and after they were cleaned using different methods, including providers scrubbing them down whatever way they normally do. When that was the case, only two of the 20 got as clean as new stethoscopes.

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