jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet

The Readout
Damian Garde

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet

A week ago, if you wanted to buy a share of the long-troubled Aveo Pharmaceuticals, it would cost you about 57 cents. Then, on March 27, a Seeking Alpha contributor claiming to be a “hedge fund manager” wrote a blog post claiming that AstraZeneca was on the verge of buying Aveo for about $1 billion, citing “several large investment banks.”

Over the coming days, Aveo’s share price roughly tripled on the stock’s highest trading volume since January. Then, yesterday, that all culminated with a press release, not about a buyout offer from AstraZeneca but rather the opposite news: Aveo announced plans to raise money by selling shares and warrants.

Shares fell about 20 percent, and the author of the Seeking Alpha post appears to have been suspended.

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