viernes, 19 de abril de 2019

Just Launched: Unleashing Private Capital for Global Health Innovation

Unleashing Private Captial for Global Health Innovation

USAID: From the American People

Unleashing Private Capital


Download the Report: Unleashing Private Capital

The global community has committed to an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through 2030 – including SDG3 – “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”  Yet multiple recent estimates suggest that we are not on track to reach the health targets – even if we massively scale up coverage of existing interventions including medicines, vaccines, bed nets, and medical devices.

We will therefore need significantly more innovation – and funding to support that innovation – if we are to successfully achieve our global health aspirations. There is good reason to believe that both are possible – that we can encourage transformative innovation and that we can effectively mobilize more private capital to support those innovation efforts.

Unleashing Private Capital for Global Health Innovation takes stock of the needs of innovators and investorsThis report:
  • Lays out the challenges and opportunities of innovating and investing in global health
  • Proposes a catalytic early stage “Innovator Support Facility” designed to increase the number of promising innovators successfully navigating the “valley of death” and reaching a point where they can attract and absorb more traditional sources of private capital
  • Proposes a blended finance & global health “Investor Support Facility” designed to provide low cost risk capital to offset lower risk-adjusted returns in global health and ‘crowd-in’ a wider array of private investors
Building on this work, we will further explore, design, and test these solutions generated over the coming months to take these solutions forward. We encourage your feedback and partnership in this effort so that we can continue building, adapting, and turning innovation into impact.  

Click the above link to view and download the report.

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