martes, 2 de abril de 2019

MDM PROD Notification | Weekly extracts and ADM refresh for 3/31/2019 to 4/6/2019 | 04/01/2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Please review the following bulletin for information regarding the enterprise Master Data Management (MDM) system in the Production environment (PROD). CMS Application Maintainers and Business Components should review this information to determine whether there will be any impact to their daily operations.
Summary: The MDM Team is continuing to perform production deployment activities in support of the integration of TMSIS data into MDM. Due to this activity, the MDM 2.0 PMI/SPP extracts that will be available on 4/3/2019 will contain the new column structure, but will not contain updated source data. Additionally, the refresh of MDM 2.0 PMI/SPP data including the NPI Profile/View data in the MDM Analytic Data Mart (ADM) environment will not be performed. Please see the details below for more information:
  • MDM 2.0 PMI/SPP extracts will be available on 4/3/2019 with the new columns, but will contain source data as of 3/19/2019. The next generation of MDM 2.3 PMI/SPP extracts with updated data is expected to occur on 4/9/2019.
  • MDM 2.0 NPI Profile/View extracts will not be generated on 4/3/2019. The next generation of MDM 2.3 NPI Profile/View extracts is expected to occur on 4/10/2019.
  • The MDM 2.0 PMI/SPP and NPI Profile/View data refresh in the ADM will not occur on 4/2/2019. The next refresh of the next generation of the MDM 2.3 PMI/SPP and NPI Profile/View data is expected to occur on 4/9/2019.

Please direct any questions or concerns to the MDM Support Team via email at
Thank you,
MDM Support Team

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