sábado, 6 de abril de 2019

The Deadline to Submit MIPS Year 2 (2018) Data is Today; Apply to Participate in the 2019 Factors Associated with Reporting Quality Measures Study; Notice: 2019 MIPS IA Performance Category Call for TEP

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Quality Payment Program

The Deadline to Submit MIPS Year 2 (2018) Data is Today

Today is the Last Day to Submit MIPS Year 2 (2018) Data for the Quality Payment Program
The data submission deadline for Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians who participated in Year 2 (2018) of the Quality Payment Program is today. Data can be submitted and updated any time until 8:00 p.m. ET tonight.
If you are working with a third-party intermediary to submit data on your behalf, we encourage you to sign in to the Quality Payment Program website during the submission period and review the submission for accuracy. Data cannot be resubmitted after the submission period closes.
How to Sign-in to the Quality Payment Program Data Submission System to View or Submit Data
To sign in to qpp.cms.gov and submit data (or view data submitted on your behalf), you need:
  • An account (user ID and password)
  • Access to your organization
If you’ve signed in to qpp.cms.gov before or have an account with one of the PV/PQRS roles that lets you submit QPP data, you can use those credentials (user ID and password) to sign in at https://qpp.cms.gov/login.
If you’ve never signed in to qpp.cms.gov before, or don’t have an account with one of the PV/PQRS roles that lets you submit QPP data, you’ll need to create an account before you can sign in. Review the QPP Access User Guide and click Register on the sign in page so you can sign in to submit, or view, data.
Note: Clinicians who are not sure if they are eligible to participate in the Quality Payment Program can check their eligibility status using the QPP Participation Status Tool.
For More Information
To learn more about how to submit data, please review the 2018 MIPS data submission FAQsUser Guide and video series available in the QPP Resource Library.
If you have questions about how to submit your 2018 MIPS data, contact:
  • The Quality Payment Program by phone: 1-866-288-8292/TTY: 1-877-715-6222; or email: QPP@cms.hhs.gov

Apply to Participate in the 2019 Factors Associated with Reporting Quality Measures Study & You Can Get Improvement Activity Credit for 2019

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) is studying the Factors Associated with Reporting Quality Measures in 2019, as outlined in the Revisions to Payment Policies under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, Quality Payment Program and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2019 final rule (CMS-1693-F).
We’re looking to:
  • Study clinical workflows and data collection methods using different submission systems.
  • Understand the challenges you have when you collect and report quality data.
  • Recommend changes to try to lower your burden, improve quality data collection and reporting, and enhance clinical care.
If you or your groups are eligible for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and you participate successfully in the study, you’ll earn full credit for the 2019 MIPS Improvement Activities performance category.
We will take applications for this study through April 30, 2019. You will be notified by email in May 2019 if you are selected.
Should I apply for the study?
You can apply for the study if you are a MIPS-eligible clinician participating in MIPS as an individual or as part of a group.
You do not need any outside knowledge of MIPS to participate in the study. We want to learn about your experience participating in MIPS.
We will also include a limited number of clinicians who aren’t eligible for MIPS in 2019. To check your MIPS participation status, please refer to the site: https://qpp.cms.gov/
What will I have to do if I’m in the study?
To successfully complete the study and earn full Improvement Activity credit, you’ll need to:
  • Complete up to two web-based clinician surveys, of which one of them will be after you have submitted quality measures data to CMS.
  • If invited by the study team, join a virtual 90-minute focus group
  • Meet minimum requirements for the MIPS Quality performance category by submitting data for at least three measures in the MIPS Quality performance category. The data submitted must:
    • Include one outcome measure.( or high priority measure if you have no applicable outcome measure)
    • Be submitted to CMS final MIPS reporting deadline.
    • Be submitted through any method accepted under MIPS for Year 3 of the Quality Payment Program (2019).
If you report as a group, your entire group will earn credit. If you report as individuals, only you will earn credit.
How do I apply?
Where can I get more information?
For more information about the study, please email MIPS_Study@abtassoc.com.

Subject: NOTICE: 2019 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Improvement Activities (IA) Performance Category Call for TEP

This is a notice regarding a current call for nominations for the 2019 CMS Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Improvement Activities (IA) Technical Expert Panel (TEP). 
As part of its improvement activity development process, CMS asks measure developers to convene groups of stakeholders, consumers, patients and experts who can contribute direction and thoughtful input to the improvement activities during development and maintenance. HealthInsight is a subcontractor on this project and is working to convene a TEP around the effectiveness and accuracy of the improvement activities (IAs) included in Year 3 (2019) of the Quality Payment Program under the MIPS IA performance category.
We are seeking a TEP of approximately 10-12 clinicians and individuals with the following perspectives and areas of expertise:
  • Subject matter/clinical expertise with IAs
  • Consumer/patient/family (non-medical caregiver)
  • Healthcare disparities
  • Performance measurement
  • Quality improvement
The nomination period closes at 5:00 pm PST on April 26, 2019.
For more information, or to download the TEP Nomination Form, review the full posting on the Technical Expert Panels page at: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/MMS/TEP-Currently-Accepting-Nominations.html#a0321

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