jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates

Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates

Disaster Information and Emergency Response

09/01/2019 12:00 AM EDT

Source: National Center for PTSD [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder] [U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs]. Published: 9/2019. Many refugees and displaced persons suffer significant psychological distress as a result of their exposure to traumatic events and the hardships associated with life as a refugee. This Web page discusses post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees, traumatic events encountered by refugees, measurement issues, prevalence of PTSD, treatment, and distinct challenges. Recognition of the mental health problems associated with being a refugee has grown, but the ability to assess the mental health needs of refugees is still limited. (Text)
05/07/2019 12:00 AM EDT

Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency [Department of Homeland Security] (FEMA). Published: 5/7/2019. The purpose of this three-document toolkit is to help elected officials, other senior executives, and department heads understand their responsibilities in the initial response to an incident. Two reference guides are organized into overarching priorities that apply to every incident, essential responsibilities, what to expect/action steps, and public messaging examples. Priorities include ensuring the safety and security of first responders, support personnel, and the general population. The toolkit also includes a PowerPoint presentation. (Text)
05/01/2019 12:00 AM EDT

Source: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). Published: 5/2019. This Web page provides information about and materials from the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, held on May 13-17, 2019, in Geneva. The focus was on “Resilience Dividend: Toward Sustainable and Inclusive Societies." Discussions included how the risk landscape is changing quickly, with diverse risks, ranging from climate and biological to cyber risk, that have to be accounted for. (Text)
09/01/2018 12:00 AM EDT

Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] (CDC NIOSH). Published: 9/2018. In April 2018, a police department requested a health hazard evaluation (HHE) concerning unintentional potential exposure to illicit drugs among police officers during a response to a 911 call. This 26-page report summarizes that incident, discusses how possible routes of exposure to illicit drugs likely varied among the officers, details the health effects experienced by the officers, and provides key findings and recommendations. (PDF)
07/01/2018 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 7/2018. This 34-page document is a template for developing a water safety plan, with detailed steps that include Hazard and Control Measure Identification, Risk Assessment, and Prioritization; Improvement Plan; Monitoring Plans; and Water Safety Plan Documentation, Review, and Improvement. Additional templates are provided for Standard Operating Procedure, Emergency Response Plan, and Water Safety Plan Assessment. (PDF)

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