miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Learning While Caring: Advancing Patient-Centered Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

Learning While Caring: Advancing Patient-Centered Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

AHRQ News Now

AHRQ Views Blog: Advancing Patient-Centered Care for People With Multiple Chronic Conditions

AHRQ’s commitment to improving care for the nearly one of three American adults living with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is the subject of a new blog post by Arlene S. Bierman, M.D., M.S., director of AHRQ’s Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, and Gopal Khanna, M.B.A., director of AHRQ. Central to AHRQ’s efforts will be research investments that identify areas of unmet need and explore treatment models that are less disease-specific and emphasize whole-person care. In a previous post, Director Khanna identified improving care for people with MCC as one of three urgent challenges that will guide the agency’s future activities. Future blog posts will outline two additional areas of emphasis: establishing a data and analytics platform to support healthcare decision-making, and using evidence-based strategies to reduce diagnostic errors. Access the blog post on MCC.

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