jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

New LTSS webinar: Changing Tribal Demographics in Post-Acute Care – Wed., May 22

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Covering Indian Country
Elder women exercising while seated

Changing Tribal Demographics in Post-Acute Care

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

This webinar is organized into two parts: Part I describes changing demographics and services in a rehabilitation hospital. Part 2 describes what these changes look like in skilled nursing facilities.
By the end of the webinar, participants will:
  • Understand the similarities and differences between rehabilitation hospitals and skilled nursing facilities related to lengths of stay and funding
  • Recognize the changing "typical admission," in terms of ages and diagnoses
  • Understand similar care needs and challenges for both types of post-acute care facilities
Have questions for our presenters? Let us know before the webinar by emailing ltssinfo@kauffmaninc.com.
Please note your
location's call in time:
9 a.m. Hawaii
10 a.m. Alaska
11 a.m. Pacific
11 a.m. Arizona
12 p.m. Mountain
1 p.m. Central
2 p.m. Eastern
Ina Henley
Divisional Director
Oklahoma Insurance Department
Susan Pourier 
Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home
Joseph Ray
Executive Director
Native American Independent Living
Tami Reed
Morning Star Care Center
Dana Schlegel
Clinical Liaison
Mountain Valley Regional Rehabilitation Hospital

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