jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

The CAHPS Clinician & Group Data Submission Login | The CAHPS® Database

The CAHPS Clinician & Group Data Submission Login | The CAHPS® Database

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CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey users can still submit their 2018 data to include in the CAHPS Database. All required items must be submitted no later than May 24.
For more information, contact the CAHPS Database at 888-808-7108 or CAHPSDatabase@westat.com.

Welcome to the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Data Submission System. This system is designed to support the online submission of CG-CAHPS survey data to the CAHPS Database. The CAHPS Database is the repository for data from the CAHPS Clinician & Group (CG-CAHPS) Survey and the CAHPS Health Plan Survey.
The CG-CAHPS Data Submission System will be open from May 13, 2019 to May 24, 2019.
The following steps are necessary to participate in the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Data Submission System:
Data Use Agreement: Each Participating Organization is required to sign a Data Use Agreement (DUA) with the practice site list in Excel. The DUA and the practice site list must be uploaded directly to the submission system through the DUA Portal.
CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Data Use Agreement (PDF, 285 KB; PDF Help)
Excel Template File for listing the practice sites (XLSX/View in HTML, 11KB; Help)
CG-CAHPS Questionnaire: Submitters must upload a copy of the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey questionnaire administered to collect their data. The CAHPS Database will review the submitted questionnaire, and then submitters will receive an approval or rejection email. Questionnaires must adhere to CAHPS survey standards.
Clinician & Group Data Specifications: Data files must conform to the following data file layout specifications developed for each survey version:
3.0 Survey Instrument
  • Adult Survey 3.0 Data File Specification (PDF, 283 KB; PDF Help)
  • Adult Survey with PCMH Items 3.0 Data File Specification (PDF, 270 KB; PDF Help)
  • Child Survey 3.0 Data File Specification (PDF, 270 KB; PDF Help)
  • Child Survey with PCMH Items 3.0 Data File Specification (PDF, 280 KB; PDF Help)

Example of data files submitted according to data file specifications (GroupPractice & SampleFiles, 3 KB; PDF Help)

Approval Process: Each questionnaire, data use agreement and data file is reviewed by the CAHPS Database. The review process can take up to 3 business days.
Help: For technical assistance please contact the CAHPS Database Team:
OMB Control No.: 0935-0197 Expiration 03/31/2022

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