viernes, 21 de junio de 2019

2018 NADRC: Disaster Planning Toolkit for People Living with Dementia (September 2018) (PDF) | NADRC

2018 NADRC: Disaster Planning Toolkit for People Living with Dementia (September 2018) (PDF) | NADRC

Disaster preparedness for people living with dementia

Many parts of the country have already begun to experience extreme summer weather conditions, such as wildfires. To prepare for weather-related or other emergencies, caregivers of people with dementia should make special preparations.

The Administration for Community Living developed a disaster planning toolkit for people with dementia to support caregiver planning. The toolkit provides information on the following topics:

The cover of the Disaster Planning Toolkit for people living with dementia
  • Considerations for planning for a disaster, with tips for people with dementia who live alone
  • Worksheets to fill in important contacts, medical conditions, and care needs
  • An emergency supplies checklist
  • Planning tips for after a disaster
  • Tips for communication and responding to dementia symptoms
Additionally, in a best practices report from CMS, 5 tribal nursing homes explain what they do to prepare for emergencies.

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