martes, 18 de junio de 2019

Available Now: Two New Infection Control Training Resources for Healthcare Professionals

Interactive Infection Control Training
for Healthcare Professionals with Free CE

Learn how to identify infection risks and prevent the spread
of healthcare-associated infections

What's The Risk?
Healthcare professionals are the first line of defense against healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and the spread of germs in healthcare settings. CDC now offers a new online interactive infection control training, “Let’s Talk Patient Safety: Reducing HAI Transmission Risk,” to help healthcare professionals identify infection risks and prevent the spread of HAIs. The training provides free continuing education for healthcare professionals, including nurses, physician assistants, medical assistants, health educators, and other clinicians. (0.1 CEU and 0.6 CNE)

The free online training can be completed anywhere. It has two modules and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the entire training.
  • Module 1: “What’s the Risk?”
    This interactive module transports healthcare professionals into a scenario where they must identify infection risks and take action to protect patients, colleagues, and visitors.
  • Module 2: “Chain of Infection”
    This story-based interactive module challenges professionals to break the chain of infection in a busy healthcare environment and educates them on the consequences of not following infection prevention and control recommendations.

#Healthcare professionals are the first line of defense against healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and the cross-transmission of germs in healthcare settings. Check out the new @CDCgov #training to help you break the chain of infection. 

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