jueves, 20 de junio de 2019

How dust from World Trade Center on 9/11 could have caused cancer in first responders

Morning Rounds
Shraddha Chakradhar

How dust from World Trade Center on 9/11 could have caused cancer in first responders

Sept. 11 first responders at the World Trade Center seem to have an increased incidence of prostate cancer, and a new study suggests that dust from Ground Zero caused inflammatory changes that led to the development of cancer. Researchers compared tumors from responders with those from non-responders. More inflammatory cells were active in the tumors from responders than non-responders, and genes involved with cell death and immune modulation were also expressed more in the responders’ tumors. The scientists also exposed rats to dust from the WTC site — which contains asbestos, glass fibers, and other carcinogens — and found that within a month, the rats showed chemical changes that are known precursors to cancer. The study compared a small number of human tissue samples, and more work is needed to better understand the effects of WTC dust. 

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