martes, 11 de junio de 2019

How much is gene therapy worth?

The Readout
Damian Garde

How much is gene therapy worth?

Later this week, Bluebird Bio is going to tell the world how much it will charge for Zynteglo, a gene therapy for a rare blood disease. So we asked readers: How pricey will it be?

About 46% of respondents said it’ll be less than the $2.1 million Novartis is charging for its gene therapy, but more than the $1 million price tag on Uniqure’s failed Glybera. About 28% believe Bluebird will charge between $850,000 and $1 million, while 27% said the price will be less than $850,000.

Bluebird’s decision, which follows winning approval in Europe, will have implications for the entire gene therapy field. Expensive one-time therapies have been a tough sell on the continent, with the first two — Glybera and GlaxoSmithKline’s Strimvelis — amounting to commercial failures. The launch — and price — of Zynteglo is Bluebird’s chance to learn from that history.

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